Forum Discussion

admin_bkp007's avatar
3 years ago

Backup is running only tape or master server


Master Server Windows 2019 with NBU V8.3.0.2.

Host client Oracle Linux 7.9 with NBU V8.3.0.2.

When backup is running for tape or master server (disk MSDP) everything is OK.

But when I select one of my 3 medias server backup is not running, I already checked ping, telnet and is OK, bptest from master server is OK too, firewall is disable in master and host client.....checked file hosts and bp.conf and OK, so what I missing here?

Thanks in advanced.

  • Hello

    What is the exact error you do receive?

    could you please provide outcomes from these commands:

    nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose

    bpstulist -U

    tpconfig -d


    are the media servers allowed to contact to remote client? check their bp.conf or registry entries - especially for SERVER and MEDIA_SERVER entries...

  • quebek thanks for answer.

    Weel, in active monitor I can't see any error just like jobs freezing, I can see in my ./bpps -x jobs started but I don't know why any data is copied...all my server are corrects in bp.conf and file hosts OK, I have a lot of hosts clients doing backup in my medias servers, only specific server didn't backup in media servers..checked compatiblity list operation system and OK....BTW all commands you suggested is OK because show up my medias and master server.