Forum Discussion

Lotfi_BOUCHERIT's avatar
10 years ago

Backup jobs hang in just two clients

Hello everyone,

Here is my problem, we have a netbackup server acting as Master/Media server and about twenty clients running Windows and Linux as OS.

Recently, two servers with MS-WINDOWS backup policy, just hang and block the rest of backups till the backup window closes (ERR: 196).

I thought that might be a problem with the file mentioned in the task dialog box (current file) but everytime when i add the folder found in the previous state, it hangs in another folder.

For now, the two backup policies are stopped, but it is not a solution.

Can anyone help here please?

Thanks in advance, and i am available for any information.

Regards and respect.



  1. Master Server :
  2.            OS : Windows Server 2003
  3.            Netbackup version : 7.1 
  4. Clients :
  5.            OS : Windows Server 2008 (both of them)
  6.            Netbackup client version : 7.1
  7.            Backup policy : MS-Windows
  8.            Backup directive : ALL-LOCAL-DRIVES


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