Backup of SAP HANA with multitenant database container with netbackup.
I have one query?
We have netbackup 7.7.2 and SAP HANA with multitenant database container.
For one instance we have to do following configurations on SAP HANA studio:
Create hdbbackint soft link from /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbbackint to /usr/openv/NetBackup/bin/hdbbackint_script for every database instance.
The parameter file (initSAP.utl) must be specified for data in the SAP HANA database instance configuration. To specify the parameter file, go to Instance->Configuration-> global.ini > data_backup_parameter_file.
The parameter file (initSAP.utl) must be specified for logs in the SAP HANA database instance configuration. To specify backup using the parameter file, go to Instance->Configuration->global.ini-> log_backup_parameter_file.
To specify backup using the backint file, go to Instance->Configuration->global.ini-> log_backup_using_backint->SYSTEM = true.
My problem is that how to configure backup for multitenant database container (For multiple Instance )
We have cluster "Dev" with multitenant database container having 3 instance "Dev" "Quality" and "SystemDB"
The problem is that DBA is telling that create hdbbackint soft link from
/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbbackint to /usr/openv/NetBackup/bin/hdbbackint_script .
DBA inform us that,It is not possible due to Database instances in SAP HANA database will be in hidden mode.
So we cannot create the links.
Requesting you to help me in this.
Server Details:
Master Server.
Client/Master = Master
NetBackup Client Platform = PC-x64, WindowsXP
NetBackup Client Protocol Level = 7.7.2
Product = NetBackup
Version Name = 7.7
Version Number = 770000
NetBackup Installation Path = D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin
Client OS/Release = Windows2008 6
SAP HANA Client .
Client/Master = Client of IRBIDCQCSER001.irb.local
NetBackup Client Platform = Linux, SuSE3.0.76
NetBackup Client Protocol Level = 7.7.2
Product = NetBackup
Version Name = 7.7
Version Number = 770000
NetBackup Installation Path = /usr/openv/netbackup/bin
Client OS/Release = Linux 3.0.101-0.47.67-default