Backup Oracle DB with SAN Media Servers on ALL RAC nodes.
Now I'm using configuration of an active backup RAC node (active policy, Disk Storage Unit (DSU)) + passive all other RAC nodes (inactive policy, no any DSU) with manual operations overcommutation DSU from the active to the any passive node and the activation of an inactive policy in the case of failure of the active Oracle RAC node.
Each node has the role of the San Media Server (LAN-free-backup).
It would be interesting to see if I can use the configuration "Failover VIP exists and backup is load balanced" to back up an Oracle database with the SAN Media Server at all nodes of the RAC cluster concurrently.
Each node has a license SYMC Enterprise Client + SYMC Client APPLICATION AND DATABASE.
On each node will be mounted separate DSU selected for backup his part of DB (allocate channel(s) per node).
Such configuration is workable for us in case of Standard Client + LAN backup.
There are two questions:
A. Will this configuration workable, is there any pitfalls?
B. Would not that be a violation of Enterprise Client license? In principle it ought not, as every San Media Server backup only part of a shared resource, but not other clients.
Thank you!