Forum Discussion

headbig's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Backup policy setting issue?

One nbu server with one tape librury and 24 slots. I created one volume pool named DataBackup.

I created one policy to backup my files to this volume pool with 3 tapes ( LTO4 ) , the retention was 2 weeks.

Everyday, I had 300GB data to write to tape,but tape was not full.

Now I want to write the 300GB data to  tape,   smileybut one day one tape.smiley


How to configure the policy?

  • I have no idea why you need a feature of BackupExec if you're using Netbackup.

    Netbackup is meant for large (enterprise) data backup, which is normally out of backup admin's control. Micro-managing is really too much of a hassle. 

    If you really want to make sure "one day one tape", I think it's better you manage the (size of) data you backup. 

  • I think no such configuration possible with NBU policies. 

    Let NBU manage the tapes for you. 

    After completing todays backup, take out the tape form library. So that NBU will use other tape for writing next days backup. But with 2 weeks retension and one tape for daily backups, 3 tapes are not at all enough for backups.  Isn't it?


  • I don't want to take it out everyday. Maybe I put 5 tapes for one weekdays backup. Then one tape for one day backup.  next monday,i take out all 5 tapes and put another 5 tapes in.

    In BackupExec, I can use media set to control this action.

    except taking tape out everyday, if is there  any other method?

  • In backup exec also with just Media Sets and a single job you cannot achieve that. Partitioning the robotic library is required and manual intervention also.I am quite sure about it.

  • Hi

      You can create different Volume pools or keep the maximum number of partially full media to 5 in the volume pool properties.




  • WHY one-day-one-tape?

    I agree with Kiran - let NBU manage your media for you. What is wrong with more than one daily backup on one tape?  When you need a restore, NBU will automatically the session on the appropriate media id. If the tape is not in the robot, it will prompt you to load it.

    Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday... tapes were useful in the 'old days' when we had standalone tape drives with hand-written labels on tapes and no intelligent backup application to manage our tapes.

    If you try to micro-manage tapes you are soon going to start another discussion about status 96...

  • I have no idea why you need a feature of BackupExec if you're using Netbackup.

    Netbackup is meant for large (enterprise) data backup, which is normally out of backup admin's control. Micro-managing is really too much of a hassle. 

    If you really want to make sure "one day one tape", I think it's better you manage the (size of) data you backup. 

  • Hi

         If you still want to use one tape per day just manually suspend the tape once the backup completes so that it is not available for backups but available for restore. For reusing just unsuspend it.


