Forum Discussion

Gdd's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

Backup rules based on "custom attributes" in VMware 5.5 ?

Environnement : NetBackup 7.6 and VMware <= 5.1

An easy way to select VM in a NetBackup policy is to create an additionnal field = custom attributes (exemple "NBU_for_Query") for each VM, and to set in this field a policy name.

Each NetBackup policy of VMware typeis defined with a rule so that when there is the current policy name in the custom attribute "NBU_for_Query" field, the VM is backed up.

Problem : in WMware 5.5, the vsphere client is replaced by a web interface... and there is no way with this web interface to modify custom attributes... these attributes seems to be replaced by "tags" and "tags" are not tested by NetBackup !

Is there another easy way to manage backup policies in VMware 5.5 ?

  • vSphere 5.5 still has a vSphere Client.

    Currently the API will not support VMware tags.

    This also sounds like it might be helpful for you:



  • What about using the annotations field for each VM ?

    Netbackup plug-in appliance uses this field for setting last backup date.

    Netbackup can query this field.

    It is worth mentioning Netbackup Vcenter plug-in for VMware isn't available in the web client as well. So we need the old fat VMware Vsphere client a while.

  • vSphere 5.5 still has a vSphere Client.

    Currently the API will not support VMware tags.

    This also sounds like it might be helpful for you: