Forum Discussion

cimo's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Backup selection in MS-Exchange-Server policy type


I have to migrate from TSM the Exchange cluster backup of my customer.

My master server is a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64, I installed the version.


In my MS-Exchange-Server policy I have a "Files" tab instead of the "Backup Selections" tab and I can flag two Exchange component:


Microsoft Exchange Server component database selection:


Information Store



I can modify the backup selection only with the bpplinclude command.

In the 7.1 documentation I read that I should have the usual "Backup Selection" where I should put the "Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups:\" instruction.

There is someone that have the same issue?

Kind Regards




  • Hi cimo.

    As always, I would recommend you do this only after a successful catalog backup, but the operation is pretty straightforward.  You just need to rebuild your Microsoft Exchange policy templates.  On the master server, run the following via command line:

    \VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\goodies\pltemplates ms_exchange

    At a minimum, you will likely have to log out of the administration console (and make sure that any and all open consoles in use by other admins are shutdown) and relaunch it.  It's also possible that you might need to restart NetBackup services.  A reboot is not required, however.

    Let us know how it goes...




  • do the Browse

    if you Browse to exchange you can pick there and make sure you get it correct.


  • Hello J.

    Working on the windows policy I can't do anything but to flag the two option I said... There's no "browse" button.

    The first backup create 4 jobs, the first two ended in 196 after 11 hours, the last two ended successful in the same time.

    It's weird...


  • when you say new you get the hand and the folder - the folder does not show up or does not work?


    finishing with a 196 says the window closed - how many tape drives are in your storage unit and are you allowing multiplexing?


  • I solved the 196 problem in my backup (I keep the default value for "maximum jobs per client" global attribute).

    May be with an image you can better see what I try to explain:



  • Hi cimo.

    As always, I would recommend you do this only after a successful catalog backup, but the operation is pretty straightforward.  You just need to rebuild your Microsoft Exchange policy templates.  On the master server, run the following via command line:

    \VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\goodies\pltemplates ms_exchange

    At a minimum, you will likely have to log out of the administration console (and make sure that any and all open consoles in use by other admins are shutdown) and relaunch it.  It's also possible that you might need to restart NetBackup services.  A reboot is not required, however.

    Let us know how it goes...




  • That screenshot does not seem right.

    I have seen all sorts of weird and wonderful 'issues' on W2008 master because of UAC.

    Please disable UAC on the master or else remember to always right-click on NBU Admin Console and Run As Administrator.

    Another point: please create a new policy - this time without "." (dots) in the policy name.
    Although dots are allowed, it has special meaning when Exclude Lists are used.
    As a test, just create policy name as hostname_dag.

    If after following above advice, your policy still looks like one above, there is probably something wrong with your policy templates. 
    We will need someone with a Windows master to share policy template with you.

    Lastly, please share current policy config. Open cmd with 'Run As Administrator', cd to <install-path>\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd. Run:
    bppllist <policy-name> -L

  • Marianne is correct, this is most likely a policy template issue.  However, there is no need for anyone to "share a policy template."

    The templates can be rebuilt using the pltemplate utility I mentioned above.


  • Hello


    Thanks a lot for your help. I opened a case in Symantec and they see that in my Master Server the directory


    D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\class_template


    was empty (???)


    They create all the MS_* directory with the correct templates by coping them from another installation.


    Now it works fine.


    Thank you very much
