Forum Discussion

edla_shravya's avatar
10 years ago

Backup selection in Windows client



I will be taking backup a windows client with below  backup selection while keeping “maximum datastreams to 1” for that client. Will it ensures that the backup is being done in the order? Is there any possibility that order jumps incase of any issues in Netbackup resource broker etc.. ?? Plesae see the attachment for the sequence








  • There is no guarantee that this backup selection will backup in this order. The only way to ensure that you backup in a specific order is to backup everything in a single stream. Again - why is this important to you? Are you trying to backup online databases with MS-Windows policy? This is not recommended.
  • I am alway curious about reasons for wanting to perform backups in a specific order.

    Why is it important to you?

    Please remember to post your Backup Selection.
    Preferably the entire policy config:
    bppllist <policy-name> -U

  • Certainly in older versions of NetBackup I have definitely witnessed the stream order randomly jumping around, but I cannot state with 100% definite certainty that I have noticed that behaviour in NetBackup v7.6.*.* or v7.7.*, but conversely I have not seen anything either which states that the old 'stream order out of sequence' feature has been definitely and permanently squashed.  Also, I have seen recent posts on this forum where a user/customer was seeing the stream order effectively permanently changed after issues with inidividual streams have occured.

    Your post seems to be missing an attachment.

    Whilst your post gives an overview impression of the 'symptoms' that you are witnessing, could you spend a few moments describing how this translates in to an 'issue' for you?  Thx.

  • A good use case re worrying about stream order is when scripters try to use 'bpstart_notify' to take down a database for... what they see... as a specific stream number.   But because the 'stream_number' is never guaranteed, then how does one ensure that a database is down before a multi-streamed backup occurs for a specific drive?

    The feature of 'stream_count' and 'stream_number' beaing available in bpstart_nootify and bpend_notify scripts would "seem" to be useful feature - but really it is a red herring and is nearly useless because stream order cannot be guaranteed.


    There are, as I see it, only a few options: 

    1) Don't use multi-streaming - and so no need to try to base database down or database up actions within bpstart_notify and bpend_notify based on stream_number.   But this can be impractical for some servers where we need to take down a database for the shortest possible time.

    2) Break the policy in to two (or more policies) - and use policy 1 to backup all drives not containing a database, and use policy 2 to backup just the drive containing the database - and thus a bpstart_notify.POLICYNAME and bpend_notify.POLICYNAME which is specific to that one policy for that one drive/path containing the database which needs to be shutdown before a backup occurs and restarted when the backup ends.

    3) Above I said that the 'stream_number' is nearly useless - and I say nearly... because it still has one use... in that a customer/user can still use multi-streaming and still use bpstart_notify to take an 'offline database' backup - but only if max_jobs is also set to 1... i.e. bpstart_notify can be scripted to take an offline database backup IF it is running as stream 1 - i.e. there is always a stream 1, and if max_jobs for the client or policy is 1 - then there can only be 1 stream running - and so during stream 1 it is a good place/time to take an off-line database backup - so that later subsequent streams pass over and take a copy of the dumped/exported/copied database files.


    So, because stream order cannot be guranteed, what would be more useful is if the 'path/paths' for a stream could be made accessible to bpstart_notify - i.e. if there was another system variable, e.g. "STREAM_PATHS" would could contain a list of the paths for that stream - then we could genuinely have stream specific actions coded in our bpstart_notify and bpend_notify scripts.

  • There is no guarantee that this backup selection will backup in this order. The only way to ensure that you backup in a specific order is to backup everything in a single stream. Again - why is this important to you? Are you trying to backup online databases with MS-Windows policy? This is not recommended.