Forum Discussion

smckelvey's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

Backup to Disk, then duplicate/move to tape when expired

I'm hoping I'm missing something, but I haven't been able to find a way to do this.

The plan is to retain 3 months of backups on Disk, and any copies outside of that live on tape. In practice this means our "weekly" (1 month retention) and "monthly" (3 month retention) backups live on disk only,  since they expire within that time. However, "quarterly" (1 year retention) and "yearly" (infinite retention) live on disk for 3 months, after which they only exist on tape.

I've been using SLPs, but it occurred to me that for the first 3 months, I end up with copies on disk as well as tape. This is unnecessary and unwanted, and the space on disk/tape does add up when one considers our whole environment.

Is there a way for a given backup to live on disk, then duplicate (if necessary) to tape once the disk copy expires?

  • I support of the other excellent replies please consider this ...

    Today you backup to disk with a 3 months retention and plan to duplicate it to tape in 2 months and 28 days time.

    In 2 months and 27 days time you data center is flooded

    You now have no data!

    OR ..

    You backup and duplicate today and get those tapes off site - now you are safe!

    I would look again at your SLPs - you could always have a shorter retention on disk if you wish - everything stays on disk for 2 months (or less for incremental backups) but tapes have the desired retention period.

    This gives you a nice set of disk images for quick restores but also gives you everything safely off site to be prepared for a disaster

    Always send your catalog backups off site too if possible - DR planning is as important as the backups themselves as without a DR plan your backups may not be worth anything.

    Hope this gives some food for thought