Backup VM with TAG Failed to obtain SSO certificate using VMwarre vCloud Suite APIs
I have a problem with NetBackup and Vmware Backup using TAG Name in VIP Policy,
Recently, we are defined an TAG in Vcenter server, and add to one VM to test the TAG Filter in vmware VIP policy. When i run a Backup, we get this error:
Failed to obtain SSO certificate using VMware vCloud Suite APIs, msg = [com.vmware.vapi.client.exception.SslException: Host name '' dies not match the certificate subject provided by the peer (CN=XXXXX, OU=XXXX, L=XXXX, ST=XXXX, C=XX)] display name = [<VM>], server = [<Vcenter>], nbu status = 114, severity = 2.
The Vcenter have an external PSC, but i can see an successfull registry en PSC Log file, asociated to vmware user used in NetBackup.
We tested the name resolution from netbackup and Vcenter side, we tested the connection between port TCP/443, and we tested the ntp sincronitzation between all components (Master Server, Media Server, Vcenter and PSC).
¿Anyone have any ideas where the problem may be?
Thanks so much,