Forum Discussion

sagar666's avatar
Level 5
9 years ago

Backup writing more size than actual file system size


I am wondering my file system total used space is 139GB and Status showing current written kilobytes are 937200000 that is more than 900GB. Is status showing wrongly? But this back up running 14 hours window still not completed.

Below is the Job details:

01/28/2017 17:40:31 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) inbmaster is the host to backup data from
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) reading file list from client
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) starting bpbkar on client
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - Info bpbkar (pid=6443) Backup started
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) bptm pid: 6444
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - Info nbjm (pid=2332) starting backup job (jobid=34) for client inbmaster, policy bheema_home2, schedule Full
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - Info nbjm (pid=2332) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=34, request id:{C39B3320-E552-11E6-8201-D6E01D11AF9C})
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - requesting resource inbmaster-hcart2-robot-tld-0
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - requesting resource
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - requesting resource
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - granted resource
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - granted resource
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - granted resource 0046L5
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - granted resource QUANTUM.ULTRIUM5.000
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - granted resource inbmaster-hcart2-robot-tld-0
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - Info nbjm (pid=2332) started backup (backupid=inbmaster_1485605431) job for client inbmaster, policy bheema_home2, schedule Full on storage unit inbmaster-hcart2-robot-tld-0
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - started process bpbrm (pid=6439)
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - connecting
01/28/2017 17:40:31 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
01/28/2017 17:40:32 - Info bptm (pid=6444) start
01/28/2017 17:40:32 - Info bptm (pid=6444) using 65536 data buffer size
01/28/2017 17:40:32 - Info bptm (pid=6444) using 30 data buffers
01/28/2017 17:40:32 - Info bptm (pid=6444) start backup
01/28/2017 17:40:32 - Info bptm (pid=6444) Waiting for mount of media id 0046L5 (copy 1) on server
01/28/2017 17:40:32 - mounting 0046L5
01/28/2017 17:42:12 - Info bptm (pid=6444) media id 0046L5 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath /dev/nst0, drivename QUANTUM.ULTRIUM5.000, copy 1
01/28/2017 17:42:12 - mounted 0046L5; mount time: 0:01:40
01/28/2017 17:42:12 - positioning 0046L5 to file 1
01/28/2017 17:42:22 - positioned 0046L5; position time: 0:00:10
01/28/2017 17:42:22 - begin writing
01/28/2017 18:55:21 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/apparao/base] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/28/2017 18:55:21 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/apparao/feb19] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/28/2017 18:55:21 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/apparao/feb23] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/28/2017 20:44:13 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/nightly.0/apparao/base] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/28/2017 20:44:14 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/nightly.0/apparao/feb19] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/28/2017 20:44:14 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/nightly.0/apparao/feb23] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/28/2017 22:31:14 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.0/apparao/base] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/28/2017 22:31:14 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.0/apparao/feb19] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/28/2017 22:31:14 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.0/apparao/feb23] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 00:18:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.1/apparao/base] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 00:18:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.1/apparao/feb19] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 00:18:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.1/apparao/feb23] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 02:07:35 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.2/apparao/base] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 02:07:35 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.2/apparao/feb19] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 02:07:35 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.2/apparao/feb23] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 03:56:39 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.3/apparao/base] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 03:56:39 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.3/apparao/feb19] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 03:56:39 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/hourly.3/apparao/feb23] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 05:45:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/nightly.1/apparao/base] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 05:45:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/nightly.1/apparao/feb19] is a socket special file. Skipping
01/29/2017 05:45:29 - Info bpbrm (pid=6439) from client inbmaster: TRV - [/mnt/bheema_home2/.snapshot/nightly.1/apparao/feb23] is a socket special file. Skipping

Please help


  • what is the backup selection of the policy ? does it all local Drives or specific file sytems entries?

    Does follow NFS or Cross mount points options selected in policy attributes?

    if these option are selected it might be taking the bacckup of other file ssytems of NFS  file sytems., validate the backup selection and policy attributes once.?



    • sagar666's avatar
      Level 5

      Hi Ram

      what is the backup selection of the policy ? does it all local Drives or specific file sytems entries?

      No, It is specific file system 2.0T 139G 1.8T 8% /mnt/bheema_home2

      Backup selection path  /mnt/bheema_home2

      Does follow NFS or Cross mount points options selected in policy attributes?

      NFS mount

      if these option are selected it might be taking the bacckup of other file ssytems of NFS  file sytems., validate the backup selection and policy attributes once.?

      Backup selection path is right. Is any linked files taking?




    If everything is same then may be backup is going in loop due wrong softlink.

    Please enable bptm, bpbrm and bpbkar for more information.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • do a 

    # du -sk mnt/bheema_home2

    to see file system size.

  • hopefully by this time backup got compleated.. ,

    browse the backup image from BAR window or list files using bplist command  and compare with real mount point list and see what is the difference..


    • sagar666's avatar
      Level 5

      Hi Nicolai

      144627176           /mnt/bheema_home2

      Hi Ram,

      Backup bar taking exact same directory and It has lot of small files and difficult compare one by one. Is there any alternate way we can find this?



      • sagar666's avatar
        Level 5

        Thanks a lot for all your help.

        The issue with netapp filer .snapshot directory. I have excluded the .snapshot then its works fine as expected.