Backups of databases using NetBackup Agent go to "begin writing" but no actual data is written
I have a very odd problem I'd appreciate some assistance with.
NetBackup environment:
Master = Windows 2008 R2, NBU 7.7.3
Media = CentOS 7, NBU 7.7.3
Client = Any
Problem description:
Backups of databases taken with the NetBackup Database Agents (MS-SQL and Oracle) will start, load tapes into the tape drives and go to a status of "being writing". However, no actual data is written to NetBackup, and afer a while (timeout), the backup job goes to status failed with various error codes - we see codes 13, 150, 811, 909 and so on. The same problem is seen on all backups taken with a NetBackup DB agent.
We can see the behaviour logged in the bptm log on the Media Server, we see:
14:31:29.373 [341058] <4> write_backup: waiting for client data or brm message
And then nothing happens until it hits the timeout and then fails the job!
Backups of the File System on the same servers to the same tapes in the same drives on the same Media Server work perfectly either triggered from the NetBackup Admin Console (scheduled or manual), or made using a "user backup" triggered from the Client using the BAR tool.
I suspect this may be a firewall ports issue. The Master Server (but not the Media Server and Client) is behind VMware NSX. We are sure we've opened the correct ports in the NSX configuration following the guidance in this document:
We've done all of the recommended testing using bpclntcmd, telnet and so on, these work correctly.
I'd appreciate being pointed in the direction of which logs to look at in NetBackup to see what's going wrong.
Many thanks.