Forum Discussion

rcdauria's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Bad performance - NBU Appliance > VMware NBD

Hi guys,

We are seeing some performance inssues in a new Netbacku Appliance environment, as follows:

Master Server: Clustered Windows VMs, running NBU 7.7.1
Media Server: Netbackup 5230 Appliance running version 2.7.1
Backup Source: VMware Virtual machine hosted on a ESXi 6.0 (no vCenter right now)
Backup destination: Netbackup Appliance MSDP (100TB, empty right now)

Backup network being used right now is a 10GB/s fibre connection with Jumbo Frame enabled. We are planing to set up a bond with 4 interfaces, but just to isolate the issue we haven't set it up yet.

The ESX server also uses 10GB/s fibre connections to the storage. However, please note we have two VM Kernel interfaces, one for the backup network and another one for the storage communitation. Therefore we have a exclusive backup network.

With no concurrencies, backup can't go faster than 70.000 KB/s.

We can assure the problem is not on the datastore we are reading, as we tested it and we can see a very nice performance there (200.000 KB/s).

To test the network path, we have run iperf tests from the netbackup appliance to the ESX host, and saw a 450.000 KB/s rate (around 3.5Gbits/s)

I was not sure why the iperf test was showing a 3.5Gbits/s (and not around 10Gibs/s), so just to be sure I didn't had a switch issue, I setup a adhoc connection betweet my two Netbackup 5230 Appliances (that is, a fibre directly connecting both appliances) and, curiosly and I dont know why, iperf didn't went faster than 4.5Gbits/s.

Anyway, summing it all up: I am not sure why, but the 10Gbps interfaces of the appliance can't go into full utilization, they actually never go above 50% (5Gbits/s).

But also the backup rate is far from that, so I am not sure if we have a Netbackup problem or a Network problem.

Any guesses? AFAIK, there is no much tunning to do when backing up VMs (NDB backups).

Thank you in advance,


  • Have rarely seen more than about 5 Gbit on 10 Gbit connections, think it is because 10 Gbit actually requires pretty many resources

    Another thing that be could an issue is that the vmware kernel had a limitation of around 220 MB/s for vadp in the earlier versions like 5.0

    Have you changed the raw buffer size to the recommend 1024 ? This I have seen improve the vmware backup speed greatly

  • Have rarely seen more than about 5 Gbit on 10 Gbit connections, think it is because 10 Gbit actually requires pretty many resources

    Another thing that be could an issue is that the vmware kernel had a limitation of around 220 MB/s for vadp in the earlier versions like 5.0

    Have you changed the raw buffer size to the recommend 1024 ? This I have seen improve the vmware backup speed greatly

  • Hi Michael, thanks for sharing your tougths.

    Raw Buffer Size didn't help.

    I still feel its strange we only reach 80 MB/s in a unique VM, but I noticed we can run like 3 or 4 VMs simultaneously, each of them running at 60-70MB/s.

    So that will have to do :)

    Thanks a lot,


  • This NBU TN:

    VMware Transport Modes: Best practices and troubleshooting​

    ...says there are limits on the number of concurrent NBD backups, because NBD uses VMware NFC protocol, which has different limits depending upon the version of vSphere ESXi, listed here:


    We know that NBD uses VMkernel ports:


    And, I have heard (and I've been searching for documented evidence, but not found any yet) that each VMkernel port usage is limited to 1Gb/s (i.e. around 112MB/s), but, this next link clearly shows that NBD can deliver more total aggregated bandwith per VMkernel port - up to a point, but each stream gets slower because VMware deliberately caps any single usage of a VMkernel port to 1Gb/s, and - here's the rub - there is nothing that you can do about that particular "specific point":


    Any single VMkernel port is hard capped for single usage at 1Gb/s - i.e. c. 112MB/s.

    Any single VMkernel port struggles with more than four demanding concurrent work loads - i.e. c. 220 MB/s.


    So, next actions?


    Perhaps test your actual VMkernel port maximum speeds ?


    And, perhaps use multi-NIC VMkernel ports ?

  • And - I found so many articles saying the typical actual real world usage maximum out of any 10Gb NIC is about 600MB/s - so a little over 50% of what one might consider to be the wire electrical/light/signal speed maximum of a 10Gb link.   And your observations with your iperf tests correlate with that.