Forum Discussion

Tim_Hansen's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

BATCHSIZE skipped because it's a snapshot backup?

From the dbclient log for a SQL backup:

22:17:50.702 [5820.3324] <16> CDBbackmain::InhibitBatchedOps: USER - Policy GAQ_SQL-gaqodsql01 has been selected to back up SQL Server. Verify that it exists and is in an active state.
22:17:50.702 [5820.3324] <4> CDBbackmain::dbbackup: INF - BATCHSIZE will be suppressed because a snapshot policy type is used for backup.


That is incorrect. Policy GAQ_SQL-gaqodsql01 is a MS-SQL-Server policy type with no snapshot options selected:
 Policy Name:       GAQ_SQL-gaqodsql01
Options:           0x0
template:          FALSE
c_unused1:         ?
Names:             (none)
Policy Type:       MS-SQL-Server (15)
Active:            yes
Effective date:    10/07/2010 16:33:35
Mult. Data Stream: no
Perform Snapshot Backup:   no
Snapshot Method:           (none)
Snapshot Method Arguments: (none)
Perform Offhost Backup:    no
Backup Copy:               0
Use Data Mover:            no
Data Mover Type:           2
Use Alternate Client:      no
Alternate Client Name:     (none)
Use Virtual Machine:      0
Hyper-V Server Name:     (none)
Enable Instant Recovery:   no
Policy Priority:   0
Max Jobs/Policy:   Unlimited
Disaster Recovery: 0
Collect BMR Info:  no
Keyword:           (none specified)
Data Classification:       -
Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:    no
Client Encrypt:    no
Checkpoint:        no
Residence:         gaqdd880_stu
Volume Pool:       NetBackup
Server Group:      *ANY*
Granular Restore Info:  no
Exchange Source attributes:              no
Exchange 2010 Preferred Server: (none defined)
Generation:      64
Ignore Client Direct:  no
Client/HW/OS/Pri: Windows-x64 Windows2008 0 0 0 0 ?
Include:           C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql\SQL_db-full_all.bch
(I excluded the schedule options as they are numerous and uneventful).
What would cause the BATCHSIZE command to be ignored? I can't find anything on this error.
  • the .bch file:


    SQLHOST ""
  • You forgot to mention anything about your environment:

    NBU version, Os version, SQL version.....................

    Policy was created on 10/07/2010, right? 

    Has this worked fine before? If so, when did it 'break'?

  • This is the first incindence of it failing like this, and when I killed the job and restarted it the BATCHSIZE parameter was read correctly.

    Environment: NBU 7.0.1, windows 2008 r2, SQL server 2008 R2.

    My ONLY thought is that there was a VMware VMDK-level snapshot backup of this machine (different policy of course) that was just finishing up when the SQL agent backup kicked off. That is the ONLY idea that I could think of why the SQL agent would complain about the backup being a snapshot method.

    I wouldn't even know where to send in the information regarding this as a potential bug.

  • Hi, when you say snapshot backup !

    it's for SQL or system

    but i have several script with bacthsize, and it's ok.

    i have made another test, with bacthsize and snapshot in policy, and in this configuration, only one job run.

  • I am having the same issue with my sql backups. Any chance you were able to resolve this?


    "BATCHSIZE will be suppressed because a snapshot policy type is used for backup."

    Environment: NBU, windows 2008 r2, SQL server 2008 R2.

  • VSS gets used during a SQL backup via VDI (as far as i know)

    So if your servers are virtual then try editing the tools.conf file for the clients VMWare tool to disable app quiesce

    This will stop the file system backup via vSphare backups having a snapshot for the SQL Databases

    C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Tools\tools.conf

    add the followng section:

    vss.disableAppQuiescing = true

    Not sure but it may help