best/fastest way to recover from a backup in a DR site
Hello All,
I have a simple setup f a master server and a few media servers in my primary site (A). backups are run on tape and on a VTL. If I want to recover some specific backup on a DR site, what would be the quickest/simplest way to do so ?
i can replicate the netbackup catalog database and replicate the VTL storage, but what after that ?
I know i can import tapes into another netbackup master on the remote site (B), but i want another solution especially when i'm recovering a lot of data and from VTL.
Thanks all,
You could use VCS with a global cluster.
Volume Replication handles the catalogs and then you can just bring the server online
If you use Media Sharing Groups and Restore failover groups the Master alone could do the restores.
If you want it kept seperate from the live environment then have a Master Server at the remote site with NBU installed ready and duplicate / replicate your catalog backups ready for a quick catalog restore - again the media sharing and restore failover groups will help
If the Master on the DR site has a hosts file entry for itself against the name of the live Master you can even keep it up and running (when you install NBU on it make sure it sets the NBU and EMM names to that of the live system - it finds that in its hosts file, talks to itself and is quite happy - for DR purposes only though and any Media Servers in DR would also need the hosts file entry so that they talk to the DR Master and not the real one.
Hope this helps