Forum Discussion

PaBliTUs's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

BMR and Oracle Linux Server 5

I cant prepare to restore OracleLinuxServer 5.

NBU running in W2008R2 + BMR BootServer Windows + 1 Linux RedHat 5.7 NBClient BootServer (for linux distro), SRT is redhat 5.7 (not oracle linux server) documentation describe can restore Oracle with srt Redhat 5.7

I backup Linux + BMR without problem.. but cant prepare to restore bmr... i attach error.




# Red Hat Enterprise Linux - version 5.0 (x86_64 architecture)
$SECTION x86_64-RHEL-5.0
# Oracle Enterprise Linux Server 5 is is  fully compatible with RedHat Enterprise Linux Server 5.
# So, the string "Enterprise Linux Server 5" works for both Redhat as well as Oracle Enterprise Linux Server 5.
  • Your error is there then:

    Srt has an older kernel version. srtKernelVersion=2.6.18-274.5, clKernelVersion=2.6.32-

    It does not feel that your SRT is at a high enough level for this client

  • There are two messages given by bmrprep.

    First is regarding SRT OS kernel version mismatch. This is just a warning message. You can ignore this.

    The other one is actual error message where BMR Boot server failed to make SRT ready for the client restore. Looks like you are doing NW based restore. BMR NW boot restore requires NFS daemon and TFTP service running on your Linux BMR boot server. Please make sure these services are up.

    You can refer BMR boot server debug logs for more information.



  • NFS Deamon is running,  put and get files without problems from NBU to linux boot server

    TFTP server is running,  put and get files without problems from NBU to linux boot server

    i see this error in log....
    16/02/2012 12:16:01.204 [MediaPerformanceInfo::getWinPerfData]  ERROR: adding cntr_1, err -1073738824
    16/02/2012 12:16:01.204 [MediaPerformanceInfo::getWinPerfData] MPMS ERROR - Adding hcounter
    16/02/2012 12:16:01.204 [MediaPerformanceTimer::calculateStateChange] : load_avg_short=0, load_avg_long=0, avg_freemem_short=0, avg_freemem_
    16/02/2012 12:16:01.204 [MediaPerformanceTimer::calculateStateChange] short_state=3, long_state=3, m_state= 3
    16/02/2012 12:16:09.303 [CBmr::readXml(xml, len, filter)] Replaced object in m_vConfig.
    16/02/2012 12:16:10.450 [bmrprep.cpp:CheckLinuxKernelVersion()] Different number of tokens in kernel versions. srtKernelVersion=2.6.18-274.5
    , clKernelVersion=2.6.32-
    16/02/2012 12:16:10.450 [bmrprep.cpp:CheckLinuxKernelVersion()] Srt has an older kernel version. srtKernelVersion=2.6.18-274.5, clKernelVers
    16/02/2012 12:16:10.450 [Info] V-126-56 Shared Resource Tree Operating System level '2.6.18-274.el5' does not
    match the client Operating System level '2.6.32-200.13.1.el5uek'.
    The client will be prepared for a restore operation, but
    the client may or may not restore successfully. If the restore
    fails, create a Shared Resource Tree that matches the client's
    Operating System level and retry the operation.
    16/02/2012 12:16:11.740 [CLinuxDiskAgent.cpp:installBootLoader()] Did I find the BootLoader, 1.
    16/02/2012 12:16:24.244 V-126-12 [bmrprep.cpp:ConfigUnix()] Allocation of SRT 'linux' to client 'clbackup2.fd.local' failed, rc=1.
    16/02/2012 12:16:24.245 [Error] V-126-3 'bmrprep' could not complete the requested operation.
    Please see logs for additional information.
    16/02/2012 12:16:24.245 [Info] V-126-43 Cleaning up. Please wait...
    16/02/2012 12:16:24.702 V-219-1 [ResourceEventMgr_i::updateInfo ] Heartbeat received from host snbu01.fd.local
  • Your error is there then:

    Srt has an older kernel version. srtKernelVersion=2.6.18-274.5, clKernelVersion=2.6.32-

    It does not feel that your SRT is at a high enough level for this client

  • 16/02/2012 12:16:24.244 V-126-12 [bmrprep.cpp:ConfigUnix()] Allocation of SRT 'linux' to client 'clbackup2.fd.local' failed, rc=1.
    16/02/2012 12:16:24.245 [Error] V-126-3 'bmrprep' could not complete the requested operation.
    Please see logs for additional information.
    As I mentioned earlier, the problem is not due to kernel version mismatch. It is just a warning message put by BMRPREP.
    Actual problem is happened at BMR boot server side while allocating SRT. If the required NW services are up then the problem might be something else. But to figure that out you need to provide BMR boot server side (119/bmrd) debug level 6 log. Above log is bmrprep log which is not sufficient to diagnose the issue.
  • You should look at the logs as suggested by Mandar, but it could be name resolution on the Boot Server.  If it cannot resolve the client IP or hostname, it will fail to allocate the SRT.  Once you get past the SRT allocation issue, the restore will probably work in spite of the warning, unless you are using a file system flag or option available in the OS of the system but not supported by the OS of the Linux SRT.  You can always make an ISO image of the SRT and use that to boot your client, avoiding NFS and TFTP issues.

    You should also make another SRT with an updated kernel version, but even if that is at the right level, the SRT still might not be able to be allocated until that issue is fixed.

    • mnolan's avatar
      Level 6

      RySchFrNet has the real solution here.