Forum Discussion

thamerthamer's avatar
12 years ago

BMR Client Restore

Hi, i need a clarification please,

BMR boot server SRT exist on the master server, I have 2 SRT one win 32-bit and one for 64-bit

recently i have noticed when i was testing "prepare client restore" for one of the clients that before i finish the wizard of preparing to restore it was showing it will restore it as 32-bit architecture infect this client i was testing is 64 bit , beside that the wizard not allowing me to change the client architecture from 32 to 64 ,

my questions is:

1- depend on what BMR decide to select the 32-bit SRT instead of 64-bit SRT?. is it related to the client policy that BMR collect option is enabled?

2-how i can change the client architecture while i am restoring?

 thanks in advance,


  • In order to restore 32-bit architecture windows system, you need to create 32-bit SRT. Same rule for 64-bit arch windows client.

    Now when you do prepare to restore, BMR identifies selected client architecture for restore; and depending on 32 or 64 version, it will populate list of available SRTs to choose for recovery.

    As Yasuhisa already pointed out, you cannot change architecture of client during recovery. BMR restore will give you client back as it was during last backup state. Though some tuning to orignal client configuration is possible which BMR provides during pre-restore phase (before prepare to restore).


    - using bmrconfig mapping GUI, you can change disk / volume layout of original client as you intend.

    - Change IP-address and related parameters than original.



  • 1-depend on what BMR decide to select the 32-bit SRT instead of 64-bit SRT?. is it related to the client policy that BMR collect option is enabled?

    You need to select correct SRT when you in Prepare to Restore window. Select 64-bit SRT from "Shared resource tree" listbox.

    2-how i can change the client architecture while i am restoring?

    You can not change the client archivecture. You have to restore with original platform.

  • Thanks But when I am trying to change the SRT its not allowing me while I am preparing the client to restore
  • i mean select box showing 32 SRT for some client and 64 for others but nit both SRT showing in the same select box !!

  • In order to restore 32-bit architecture windows system, you need to create 32-bit SRT. Same rule for 64-bit arch windows client.

    Now when you do prepare to restore, BMR identifies selected client architecture for restore; and depending on 32 or 64 version, it will populate list of available SRTs to choose for recovery.

    As Yasuhisa already pointed out, you cannot change architecture of client during recovery. BMR restore will give you client back as it was during last backup state. Though some tuning to orignal client configuration is possible which BMR provides during pre-restore phase (before prepare to restore).


    - using bmrconfig mapping GUI, you can change disk / volume layout of original client as you intend.

    - Change IP-address and related parameters than original.

