There are many users have confusion about the BMR. I am writing a general note for all, if you are already know then please ignore it.
Steps to setup BMR in NBU environment
Master Server:
The BMR database resides on a Master server only. You can not make any client or media server as BMR master.
How to register BMR master server?
Login to master server command prompt
Once it successfully registers. The bmrdb service gets to start on a master.
To confirm it run the bpps -x (Unix) and bpps (windows)
BMR boot Server:
You can register Master/Media/Client as boot server at any point of time to unregister the boot server it shouldn't contain any valid SRT in NBU database.
What is BMR boot server?
The boot server is used to create an SRT.
How to make Master/Media/Client as boot server?
Run the below command from prompt:
#%NB_INSTALL_DIR%/bin/bmrsetupboot --register
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bmrsetupboot --register
What is SRT?
SRT called Shared resource tree
Okay, but what is the use of it?
It is used to create the bare minimum OS to boot the target client server vi ISO or CD.
Oh really, then how can we create SRT?
That's a good question.
There are many if and but to create SRT and very difficult to cover all points here but some important prerequisites are like:
If you want to recover the windows server then your boot server should be windows and same is applicable for Linux and Unix.
It should be running the same version of NBU or higher patch level. Because the SRT is based on NBU version installed on boot server.
I am referring some Veritas article for SRT.
SRT for Windows Client recovery and boot server should be windows
SRT for Linux/Unix Client recovery and boot server should be Linux/Unix