bmrprep headache
Ive got a DR environment which dups my 'real' one. Ive got netbmaster 701 on solaris and it uses bmr.
Ive got a windows bmr boot server (a VM, a clone of my real bootserver vm) running , also ver 701.
I can query via bmrs -o query....and -o list to get currentversion fro mboth . All good.All same.701
I can query my bmr packages , configs , srts. All good.
But when I try do a bmrprep for a windows BMR, it just sits there...I get a scrap of info: [Critical] No NIC.
No other clues. bmrprep never completes.
So any clue as to WTF (scuse the language) is going on cos the msgs are way too sparse. I'm suspecting lack of dhcp , cos everything else looks good.
05/19/11 10:35:01.207 [bmrprep.cpp:LogDV] No devices of classId hdc were found
05/19/11 10:35:01.209 [bmrprep.cpp:LogDV] No devices of classId scsiadapter were found
05/19/11 10:35:01.210 [bmrprep.cpp:LogDV] No devices of classId net were found
05/19/11 10:35:01.210 [Critical] No NIC