Forum Discussion

Netbackup_learn's avatar
11 years ago

bpbkar logs structure


im having trouble reading the log againts a backup policy, the situation is i have a client that runs multiple policies in it , but one of them is failing , when i want to read the logs and gather info on the failed job  i cant separate that job from the rest it all comes out mixed .

is there  a way to filter the info from that one job by job ID or something so i only read the info for that trouble job ???

Thx in advance

PS: whats this number (this is an example bpbkar log i found online is not the real one ) :

12:31:18.992 PM: [3020.3016] <16> dos_backup::V_InitializeSystemState: ERR - FS_AddToSnapshotSet() Failed!



  • The other thing with logs is to learn how to follow between them.  For a backup, bptm /bpbrm for example it's fairly easy - you could go on the time if not much is running, but the more technical way is to know that bpbrm starts bptm and when it does so it helpfully tells you the PID.

    Eg.  A backup job ...


    From bpbrm, INITIATING is a good word to look for ...  the following logparams line with the same PID will contain lots of goodies so you can find the right job, including the job ID, in this case 386.

    00:45:41.032 [18552] <2> bpbrm main: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 5): version NetBackup 7.6 2013092421
    00:45:41.033 [18552] <2> logparams: -backup -S womble -c womble -ct 0 -ru root -cl womble_tape -sched full -bt 1409874338 -dt 0 -st 0 -b womble_1409874338 -medias
    vr womble -jobid 386 -jobgrpid 386 -masterversion 760000 -maxfrag 1048575 -bpstart_time 1409874639 -reqid -1409825373 -mt 2 -to 0 -stunit tape_standalone -rl 0 -r
    p 604800 -eari 0 -cj 1 -D 6 -rt 0 -rn -1 -pool NetBackup -use_ofb -use_otm -jm -secure 1 -kl 28 -rg root -fso -keyword \300\274mseo\300\276KeyType\300\275aes128\3
    00\273\300\240compress\300\275none\300\273\300\274/mseo\300\276 -connect_options 16974338

    Unfortunately, this comes with experience, but I happen to know that when bpbrm starts bptm, it mentions 'bptm' in the log line, so if I search down for the line containing 'bptm' with the same pid [18552], I will find ...

    00:45:41.836 [18552] <2> bpbrm spawn_child: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bptm bptm -w -c womble -den 6 -rt 0 -rn -1 -stunit tape_standalone -cl womble_tape -bt 140987
    4338 -b womble_1409874338 -st 0 -cj 1 -p NetBackup -reqid -1409825373 -jm -brm -hostname womble -ru root -rclnt womble -rclnthostname womble -rl 0 -rp 604800 -sl
    full -ct 0 -maxfrag 1048575 -eari 0 -v -mediasvr womble -nonrsvdports -connect_options 0x01020001 -jobid 386 -jobgrpid 386 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id 671
    08984 -blks_per_buffer 128 -shm
    00:45:41.846 [18552] <2> set_job_details: Tfile (386): LOG 1409874341 4 bpbrm 18552 bptm pid: 18557
    00:45:41.846 [18552] <2> send_job_file: job ID 386, ftype = 3 msg len = 45, msg = LOG 1409874341 4 bpbrm 18552 bptm pid: 18557

    From these lines I see the bptm PID is 18557

    So now, I can search bptm log for all the lines containing [18557] and I find ...

    00:45:43.169 [18557] <2> SetMaxDataLimit: maximum data size: current=-3 max=-3
    00:45:43.169 [18557] <2> initialize: fd values STDOUTSOCK=4 STDERRSOCK=5
    00:45:43.181 [18557] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 5): -w -c womble -den 6 -rt 0 -rn -1 -stunit tape_standalone -cl womble_tape -bt 1409874338 -b womble_1409874338 -st 0 -cj 1 -p NetBackup -reqid -1409825373 -jm -brm -hostname womble -ru root -rclnt womble -rclnthostname womble -rl 0 -rp 604800 -sl full -ct 0 -maxfrag 1048575 -eari 0 -v -mediasvr womble -nonrsvdports -connect_options 0x01020001 -jobid 386 -jobgrpid 386 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id 67108984 -blks_per_buffer 128 -shm
    00:45:43.182 [18557] <2> main: bptm.c.1591: maximum fragment size is 1048575000 Kbytes
    00:45:43.182 [18557] <2> bptm: PORT_STATUS = 0x01020001

    With legacy logs, it's as simple as that ...

    Unfortunetlay you don't always get a jobid mentioned, so it can be a case of going on time to get the approx area of the log, and then just reading through.

    The other thing to learn, is which process talks to which - for example for a backup ...

    nbjm on the master starts bpbrm on the media server
    bpbrm starts bptm on the media server and also bpbkar on the client
    bptm connects to nbjm to get resources, and jm sends the resources back on a seperate connection
    bpbkar sends the data to backup to bptm and file metadata to bpbrm
    bpbrm sends the file metadata to bpdbm on the client, which is sent to the image database / catalog

    So, knowning whereabouts the problem appears in say Activity Monitor, you can usually zone in to the process log, and a bit of knowledge (or Google or even the troubleshooting guide) will turn up a process flow, so you can get the logs for the process close by, for example like in the example above - if the issue is something in bpbrm, I would probably get bpbrm, nbjm, bpdbm as these are the processes that are talking to each other at the time.

    Sometimes the error isn't where you think, for example if bptm starts, but never gets the resources from nbjm, the problem looks to be in bptm, but it could be the comms to nbjm, or jm could have a problem talking to nbrb, or nbrb talking to nbemm, so you can end up chasing from log to log until you narrow it down.

    I won't mention vx logs in detail, they are a bit harder as they are multi-threaded, so one line with PID xxx could be doing something for job 123 but the next line with PID xxx could actually be related to job 127 ...  The trick is to know what the process does in what order and the keywords to look for, but this is way easier said then done.  Often I just read through them looking for things that could be related to the job in question.

  • In addition to Marianne's great reply, a few more simple points here:

    1) First check the bpbkar PID of the job details. If PID = 0, stop looking because bpbkar is not even started.
    2) Look into bpbkar logs, if you see:

    [8123.1122]  <== this is Windows system, but basically you can ignore the 2nd pid "1122".
    [8123]  <== this is non-Windows (Unix, Linux etc.) system

    3) In command prompt, you can do something like:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\Netbackup\logs\bpbkar>  findstr "[8123"  log.090314 >  output1.txt

    (in Unix/Linux, you can use grep to replace findstr)

    This will give you the progress of bpbkar PID 8123, scroll through to look for error. But as pointed out by Martin, some errors are not obvious and some are negligible - so it takes time to learn to pinpoint the actual one. Look for those with string "<16>" which usually mean major error.


  • Hello, could you please reply with the detailed status of the failed job. Also what version of NetBackup are you running?  

    But yes, if you look each bpbkar session has a id that you can sort by. Just get the ID from the detailed statu. 

  • hi thanks for the reply

    I cant provide the detail status windows because the failed job was erased from the activity monitor , i have to run it again and it takes a lot to fail, but ill upload the details as soon  as i have it.

    have a couple of questions

    where exactly is the session id in the details windows ???

     what is the session id  is the one i put on bold in the example line ????



  • In recent NBU versions, the PID of the bpbkar process in the job that is failing will be displayed in Details tab of the failed job. 

    Info bpbkar (pid=13292) ......

    This PID will be the first set of numbers in the square brackets that you highlighted.
    This means you can trace the process id of the failed job by extracting all references in the log with this number.

    Have a look at my post in this discussion:
    How to use logs 

  • I recommend a copy of textpad

    It was described by one of our trainers as 'almost being written to lookat NBU logs'.

    It is very configerable, so you can for example have keywords in different colours, it can also pul out lines containing a specific 'string' (eg a pid) and copy to a new doc - yes there are other editors that can do this, but its good enough that Symantec bought a license for it and most TSEs use it.

    Of course, if you are using Unix you can quite easily just use grep / awk etc ... but I see you are on windows.

    I think you get a free trial period, and it costs about $25 for a license - well worth it.


  • The other thing with logs is to learn how to follow between them.  For a backup, bptm /bpbrm for example it's fairly easy - you could go on the time if not much is running, but the more technical way is to know that bpbrm starts bptm and when it does so it helpfully tells you the PID.

    Eg.  A backup job ...


    From bpbrm, INITIATING is a good word to look for ...  the following logparams line with the same PID will contain lots of goodies so you can find the right job, including the job ID, in this case 386.

    00:45:41.032 [18552] <2> bpbrm main: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 5): version NetBackup 7.6 2013092421
    00:45:41.033 [18552] <2> logparams: -backup -S womble -c womble -ct 0 -ru root -cl womble_tape -sched full -bt 1409874338 -dt 0 -st 0 -b womble_1409874338 -medias
    vr womble -jobid 386 -jobgrpid 386 -masterversion 760000 -maxfrag 1048575 -bpstart_time 1409874639 -reqid -1409825373 -mt 2 -to 0 -stunit tape_standalone -rl 0 -r
    p 604800 -eari 0 -cj 1 -D 6 -rt 0 -rn -1 -pool NetBackup -use_ofb -use_otm -jm -secure 1 -kl 28 -rg root -fso -keyword \300\274mseo\300\276KeyType\300\275aes128\3
    00\273\300\240compress\300\275none\300\273\300\274/mseo\300\276 -connect_options 16974338

    Unfortunately, this comes with experience, but I happen to know that when bpbrm starts bptm, it mentions 'bptm' in the log line, so if I search down for the line containing 'bptm' with the same pid [18552], I will find ...

    00:45:41.836 [18552] <2> bpbrm spawn_child: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bptm bptm -w -c womble -den 6 -rt 0 -rn -1 -stunit tape_standalone -cl womble_tape -bt 140987
    4338 -b womble_1409874338 -st 0 -cj 1 -p NetBackup -reqid -1409825373 -jm -brm -hostname womble -ru root -rclnt womble -rclnthostname womble -rl 0 -rp 604800 -sl
    full -ct 0 -maxfrag 1048575 -eari 0 -v -mediasvr womble -nonrsvdports -connect_options 0x01020001 -jobid 386 -jobgrpid 386 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id 671
    08984 -blks_per_buffer 128 -shm
    00:45:41.846 [18552] <2> set_job_details: Tfile (386): LOG 1409874341 4 bpbrm 18552 bptm pid: 18557
    00:45:41.846 [18552] <2> send_job_file: job ID 386, ftype = 3 msg len = 45, msg = LOG 1409874341 4 bpbrm 18552 bptm pid: 18557

    From these lines I see the bptm PID is 18557

    So now, I can search bptm log for all the lines containing [18557] and I find ...

    00:45:43.169 [18557] <2> SetMaxDataLimit: maximum data size: current=-3 max=-3
    00:45:43.169 [18557] <2> initialize: fd values STDOUTSOCK=4 STDERRSOCK=5
    00:45:43.181 [18557] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 5): -w -c womble -den 6 -rt 0 -rn -1 -stunit tape_standalone -cl womble_tape -bt 1409874338 -b womble_1409874338 -st 0 -cj 1 -p NetBackup -reqid -1409825373 -jm -brm -hostname womble -ru root -rclnt womble -rclnthostname womble -rl 0 -rp 604800 -sl full -ct 0 -maxfrag 1048575 -eari 0 -v -mediasvr womble -nonrsvdports -connect_options 0x01020001 -jobid 386 -jobgrpid 386 -masterversion 760000 -bpbrm_shm_id 67108984 -blks_per_buffer 128 -shm
    00:45:43.182 [18557] <2> main: bptm.c.1591: maximum fragment size is 1048575000 Kbytes
    00:45:43.182 [18557] <2> bptm: PORT_STATUS = 0x01020001

    With legacy logs, it's as simple as that ...

    Unfortunetlay you don't always get a jobid mentioned, so it can be a case of going on time to get the approx area of the log, and then just reading through.

    The other thing to learn, is which process talks to which - for example for a backup ...

    nbjm on the master starts bpbrm on the media server
    bpbrm starts bptm on the media server and also bpbkar on the client
    bptm connects to nbjm to get resources, and jm sends the resources back on a seperate connection
    bpbkar sends the data to backup to bptm and file metadata to bpbrm
    bpbrm sends the file metadata to bpdbm on the client, which is sent to the image database / catalog

    So, knowning whereabouts the problem appears in say Activity Monitor, you can usually zone in to the process log, and a bit of knowledge (or Google or even the troubleshooting guide) will turn up a process flow, so you can get the logs for the process close by, for example like in the example above - if the issue is something in bpbrm, I would probably get bpbrm, nbjm, bpdbm as these are the processes that are talking to each other at the time.

    Sometimes the error isn't where you think, for example if bptm starts, but never gets the resources from nbjm, the problem looks to be in bptm, but it could be the comms to nbjm, or jm could have a problem talking to nbrb, or nbrb talking to nbemm, so you can end up chasing from log to log until you narrow it down.

    I won't mention vx logs in detail, they are a bit harder as they are multi-threaded, so one line with PID xxx could be doing something for job 123 but the next line with PID xxx could actually be related to job 127 ...  The trick is to know what the process does in what order and the keywords to look for, but this is way easier said then done.  Often I just read through them looking for things that could be related to the job in question.

  • In addition to Marianne's great reply, a few more simple points here:

    1) First check the bpbkar PID of the job details. If PID = 0, stop looking because bpbkar is not even started.
    2) Look into bpbkar logs, if you see:

    [8123.1122]  <== this is Windows system, but basically you can ignore the 2nd pid "1122".
    [8123]  <== this is non-Windows (Unix, Linux etc.) system

    3) In command prompt, you can do something like:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\Netbackup\logs\bpbkar>  findstr "[8123"  log.090314 >  output1.txt

    (in Unix/Linux, you can use grep to replace findstr)

    This will give you the progress of bpbkar PID 8123, scroll through to look for error. But as pointed out by Martin, some errors are not obvious and some are negligible - so it takes time to learn to pinpoint the actual one. Look for those with string "<16>" which usually mean major error.


  • For unix, , to get the pid lines using grep you need to be a little creative as the [ and ] is a special character


    grep [1234] log.txt doesn't work.

    But this will ...

    grep \\[1234\\] log.txt

  • Hi everyone i got the detailed status of the failed  job :

    03/09/2014 01:43:40 PM - Info nbjm (pid=4587564) starting backup job (jobid=1907837) for client bdvdesa1_b, policy Desa_Sun_Standard_bdvdesa1, schedule Desa_Sun_Standard_bdvdesa1_Full_Semanal
    03/09/2014 01:43:40 PM - Info nbjm (pid=4587564) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=1907837, request id:{08871B14-3396-11E4-A97F-63C7964E0000})
    03/09/2014 01:43:40 PM - requesting resource su-DDBDV1_Unix_Standard_Cal_Des
    03/09/2014 01:43:40 PM - requesting resource bdvaix10.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.bdvdesa1_b
    03/09/2014 01:43:40 PM - requesting resource bdvaix10.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.Desa_Sun_Standard_bdvdesa1
    03/09/2014 01:43:41 PM - granted resource  bdvaix10.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.bdvdesa1_b
    03/09/2014 01:43:41 PM - granted resource  bdvaix10.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.Desa_Sun_Standard_bdvdesa1
    03/09/2014 01:43:41 PM - granted resource  MediaID=@aaaac;DiskVolume=DDBDV1-su;DiskPool=DDBDV1-dp;Path=DDBDV1-su;StorageServer=DDBDV1;MediaServer=bdvaix10h1
    03/09/2014 01:43:41 PM - granted resource  su-DDBDV1_Unix_Standard_Cal_Des
    03/09/2014 01:43:41 PM - estimated 286346572 kbytes needed
    03/09/2014 01:43:41 PM - Info nbjm (pid=4587564) started backup job for client bdvdesa1_b, policy Desa_Sun_Standard_bdvdesa1, schedule Desa_Sun_Standard_bdvdesa1_Full_Semanal on storage unit su-DDBDV1_Unix_Standard_Cal_Des
    03/09/2014 01:43:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) bdvdesa1_b is the host to backup data from
    03/09/2014 01:43:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) reading file list from client
    03/09/2014 01:43:42 PM - started process bpbrm (pid=8913364)
    03/09/2014 01:43:42 PM - connecting
    03/09/2014 01:43:44 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) starting bpbkar on client
    03/09/2014 01:43:44 PM - Info bpbkar (pid=0) Backup started
    03/09/2014 01:43:44 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) bptm pid: 22806676
    03/09/2014 01:43:44 PM - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
    03/09/2014 01:43:44 PM - Info bptm (pid=22806676) start
    03/09/2014 01:43:44 PM - Info bptm (pid=22806676) using 262144 data buffer size
    03/09/2014 01:43:44 PM - Info bptm (pid=22806676) using 64 data buffers
    03/09/2014 01:43:46 PM - Info bptm (pid=22806676) start backup
    03/09/2014 01:43:46 PM - Info bptm (pid=22806676) backup child process is pid 8585326
    03/09/2014 01:43:46 PM - begin writing
    03/09/2014 01:43:47 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/crash is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 01:48:05 PM - Error bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: ERR - Modification time has changed while backing up /var/adm/messages.
    03/09/2014 01:48:18 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/audit is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:11 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/run is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u004988 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u022439 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u007850 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u010584 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014236 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u001546 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018845 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u020668 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u016631 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u020965 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009363 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u023870 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u012799 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025041 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u023011 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009785 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u001453 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u008752 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014174 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u015408 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u017596 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u011986 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u029982 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u002327 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u005360 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u026101 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u010207 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025331 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u016210 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009691 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009303 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u013080 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u006039 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u012742 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u026872 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009628 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u003185 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u023900 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u013562 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u017278 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u003426 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u015455 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u023341 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014446 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009651 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028270 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u017952 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u016781 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u022280 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014315 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u001070 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u012546 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u019702 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u012174 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u024012 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u004124 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014496 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u008257 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u020086 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u024765 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u011431 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009139 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014722 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u020796 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014548 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018548 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028216 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u007515 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u017231 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u022641 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u021465 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u001460 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u006394 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u001742 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u005287 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u029011 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u003277 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u017205 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025344 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u006731 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u029479 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u005670 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u026720 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u000821 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u001485 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u011195 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u015440 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u023690 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025989 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u027641 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u027278 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u006605 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u008914 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u024416 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028875 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009757 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u017430 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u026996 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u015064 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u024442 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u013230 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u003077 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u007405 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u008025 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u019002 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u006683 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u016448 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u024441 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u015241 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025633 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u021720 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u026691 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014000 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u016736 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u004255 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028363 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u010690 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u022122 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u005379 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009520 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u029210 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009241 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028868 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009067 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u016206 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009848 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u015731 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u017659 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u004667 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u027842 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u016270 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014628 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u000401 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025470 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u013553 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009228 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028838 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u013068 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009245 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014730 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028075 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u021194 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028432 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u021329 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u004828 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u020888 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u021690 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u006410 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u027189 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u012380 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u027323 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u016405 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u001084 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u024346 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u022390 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u023592 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u024772 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018811 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009813 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u008272 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018621 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u015805 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u003743 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028031 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u004408 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u008247 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u029506 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u015492 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u003101 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u016499 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025650 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u011709 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025765 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u007147 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014345 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u022645 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u022349 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u029763 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025170 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u011884 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u003809 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014381 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028326 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u008158 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u008688 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u006050 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u004939 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u027039 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018712 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u004005 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u020250 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u007096 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u002109 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u003208 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025183 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u022773 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u012160 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u005990 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u029294 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025199 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u009774 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018262 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018921 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u017844 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u004102 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u010879 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u005009 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u027725 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u020419 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028135 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u005576 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u021442 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u000275 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u002861 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u006032 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u029947 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018347 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014892 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u006376 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u024432 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018711 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018827 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u003067 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018648 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025947 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u021003 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u005055 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u002420 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u006640 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u019504 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u005048 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u020139 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u017936 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u027530 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u022054 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u013438 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u025353 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u002258 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u027055 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u015137 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u021970 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u002050 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u007841 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u020361 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u002808 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u022829 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u011553 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u014590 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u019017 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028705 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u021843 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u010342 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u006877 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u001276 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u026748 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u015195 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u001174 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u018904 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u026657 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u028458 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u012371 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/oidldapd.u016808 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#29203.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#3479.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2779.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#4749.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10421.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2895.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#19988.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2332.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#5417.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#4792.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#11936.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16657.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2470.2 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2376.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#12757.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#1579.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9418.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#832.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#17496.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#4831.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#24696.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#28531.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#28230.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#1318.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#20251.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#14946.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2469.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10842.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#26131.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#28683.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#29720.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22300.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22019.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22916.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#23027.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#600.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10005.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#8965.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9827.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#29723.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#12771.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22680.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#6893.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#3897.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#17504.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#4035.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sRECOD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sINTRNETD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sCCCHD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#588.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#25558.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9812.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22716.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13837.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#23844.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#29183.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10468.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#28674.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2470.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#11331.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sXPAUDITD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9133.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#18511.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2444.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#20111.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#7794.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#20423.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9304.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22853.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#24881.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sGESDIST is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2708.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#6051.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#6570.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#29497.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#8176.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#18766.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2428.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10852.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#25530.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9143.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sGVPD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#1403.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#21622.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sGQMATICD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#17814.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sSUAFD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#4235.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sBACKD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#18231.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10862.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sPCONWSD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sBDRED is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sGVPIID is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sGVPII is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22737.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sGVPIIQ is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sTUXEDOD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#4749.2 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#11660.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sCTLEXPD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sVMWAREVC is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#1625.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#3093.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#3303.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#25714.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16133.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#7945.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sEXTPROCFINANCED is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#8424.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2153.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#27488.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#29736.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#12505.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#24164.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#5782.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9988.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#28406.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#4943.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#17587.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#4227.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#27841.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#19705.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sWASD10 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#24020.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16278.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22894.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#3742.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22313.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9161.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22170.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sHRAFPD10 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9363.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#26100.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#18520.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#19608.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sCLAVED10 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sEXTPROC2 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13094.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sFIDED10 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#26423.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#5143.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#5157.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#6204.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#6315.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#14092.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2598.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9651.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9669.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10748.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10844.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#21189.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9040.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#12556.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#12584.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13007.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13112.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:14 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#23859.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#21384.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13326.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sCAJAD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10894.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#14225.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10102.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16898.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#25103.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#25361.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#25514.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#814.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2301.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#7131.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#7143.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#7576.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#7596.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#15079.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13251.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13275.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13483.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13685.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13727.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#21768.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16298.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13648.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13679.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#14609.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#14682.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#27656.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#12714.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#21228.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sMICROD10 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sOLBANKD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#24325.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sFIDED is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sBDUGD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#25906.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sOPICSD10 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sSIPAD10 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sGESCLTED is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#8997.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#23258.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sHRSYSD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#8573.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sMICROD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sWASD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#12334.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#17427.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#12824.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#18810.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#6358.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16528.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#26916.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#27025.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#27776.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#27902.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2276.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16552.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#18165.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#12843.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#12089.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#14013.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sPICASOD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2415.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#3898.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#24692.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#21760.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#25498.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16919.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#20991.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sSIPAD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sSIPAQ is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2849.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22695.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#21742.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#14262.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#11420.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#8005.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#15678.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#18832.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16272.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16609.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16712.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#19105.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#13090.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#8690.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16922.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#3549.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sNETIDD is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sHRSYSD10 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/siasdb is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#5201.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#14827.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#20106.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#22325.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#24814.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#15548.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#5130.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#560.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#27455.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9094.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#18697.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#26771.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10345.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16027.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#14355.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#28305.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#970.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#3669.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9437.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#10333.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#16523.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#9019.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#14925.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#1680.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#3075.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#5544.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#28362.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#19988.2 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/sEXTPROC is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#26581.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#29740.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#2953.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#5700.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#27257.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:01:15 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/tmp/.oracle/s#15981.1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:41 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/zsocketEC/Zagent is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:41 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/zsocketEC/Zsocket_0 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:41 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/zsocketEC/Zsocket_1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:41 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/zsocketEC/Zsocket_2 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:41 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/zsocketEC/Zsocket_3 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:41 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/zsocketEC/Zsocket_4 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:41 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/zsocketEC/Zsocket_5 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:41 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/zsocketEC/Zsocket_6 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:41 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/zsocketEC/Zsocket_7 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:41 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/zsocketEC/Zsocket_8 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:41 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/zsocketEC/Zsocket_9 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.25903 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/@qmpersist/spipe/pmpipe is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.25526 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QMCARMEN/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.25528 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1F/zsocketEC/Zagent is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1F/zsocketEC/Zsocket_0 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1F/zsocketEC/Zsocket_1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1F/zsocketEC/Zsocket_2 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1F/zsocketEC/Zsocket_3 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1F/zsocketEC/Zsocket_4 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1F/zsocketEC/Zsocket_5 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1F/zsocketEC/Zsocket_6 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1F/zsocketEC/Zsocket_7 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1F/zsocketEC/Zsocket_8 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:12:42 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1F/zsocketEC/Zsocket_9 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/zsocketEC/Zagent is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/zsocketEC/Zsocket_0 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/zsocketEC/Zsocket_1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/zsocketEC/Zsocket_2 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/zsocketEC/Zsocket_3 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/zsocketEC/Zsocket_4 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/zsocketEC/Zsocket_5 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/zsocketEC/Zsocket_6 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/zsocketEC/Zsocket_7 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/zsocketEC/Zsocket_8 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/zsocketEC/Zsocket_9 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/@qmpersist/spipe/pmpipe is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.25674 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QOLB/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.25676 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/zsocketEC/Zagent is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_0 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_2 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_3 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_4 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_5 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_6 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_7 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_8 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:02 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_9 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/@qmpersist/spipe/pmpipe is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.21221 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1T/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.28147 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/zsocketEC/Zagent is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_0 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_2 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_3 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_4 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_5 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_6 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_7 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_8 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/zsocketEC/Zsocket_9 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/@qmpersist/spipe/pmpipe is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.25703 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV7T/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.29550 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/zsocketEC/Zagent is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/zsocketEC/Zsocket_0 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/zsocketEC/Zsocket_1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/zsocketEC/Zsocket_2 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/zsocketEC/Zsocket_3 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/zsocketEC/Zsocket_4 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/zsocketEC/Zsocket_5 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/zsocketEC/Zsocket_6 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/zsocketEC/Zsocket_7 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/zsocketEC/Zsocket_8 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/zsocketEC/Zsocket_9 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/@qmpersist/spipe/pmpipe is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.26425 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1D/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.26427 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/zsocketEC/Zagent is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/zsocketEC/Zsocket_0 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/zsocketEC/Zsocket_1 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/zsocketEC/Zsocket_2 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/zsocketEC/Zsocket_3 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/zsocketEC/Zsocket_4 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/zsocketEC/Zsocket_5 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/zsocketEC/Zsocket_6 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/zsocketEC/Zsocket_7 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/zsocketEC/Zsocket_8 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/zsocketEC/Zsocket_9 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/@qmpersist/spipe/pmpipe is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 02:13:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/mqm/qmgrs/QV1Q/@qmpersist/spipe/ccc.26444 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:13:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/audit1 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:30:58 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /etc/mnttab is on file system type mntfs. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:30:58 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /etc/.name_service_door is a door file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:31:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /etc/sysevent/devfsadm_event_service is a door file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:31:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /etc/sysevent/syseventconfd_event_service is a door file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:31:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /etc/sysevent/sysevent_door is a door file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:31:13 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /etc/sysevent/piclevent_door is a door file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:31:17 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /etc/vx/vxesd/vxesd.socket is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:32:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dev/.devfsadm_synch_door is a door file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:32:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dev/fd is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:32:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dev/vx/dmp is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:32:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dev/vx/rdmp is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:37:33 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /opt/dcelocal/var/rpc/socket/dce_cn_135 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:37:33 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /opt/dcelocal/var/rpc/socket/dce_cn_44026 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:37:33 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /opt/dcelocal/var/rpc/socket/dce_cn_44091 is a socket special file. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:55:00 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /proc is on file system type PROC. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:55:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /tmp is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 03:55:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /net is on file system type autofs. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /home is on file system type autofs. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:03 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /xfn is on file system type autofs. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata001 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata099 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata068 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata004 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /compila is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata002 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata003 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata005 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata006 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata007 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata008 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata009 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata010 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata011 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata012 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata013 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata014 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata015 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata016 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:04 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata017 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata018 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata019 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata020 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata021 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata022 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata023 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata024 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata025 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata026 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata027 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata028 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata029 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata030 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata031 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata032 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata033 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata034 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata035 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:05 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata036 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata038 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata039 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata040 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata041 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata042 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata043 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata044 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata045 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata046 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata047 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:06 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata048 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata049 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata050 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata1 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata10 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata11 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata13 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata14 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata15 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata16 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata17 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata18 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata19 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata2 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:07 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata20 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata21 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata22 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata23 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata24 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata3 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata4 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata5 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata6 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata7 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata8 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata9 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /iplanet is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /oracle11i is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /exportdb is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /aplicacion is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /aplicacion1 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /aplicacion2 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /aplicacion4 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /aplicacion5 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /aplicacion6 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /aplicacion7 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /aplicacion8 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /ftp1 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /ftp2 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:08 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /ftp3 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /ftp4 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /ftp5 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /ftp6 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /ftp7 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /ftp8 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /oracle is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /aplicacion3 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata069 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata054 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata055 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata056 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata057 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata058 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata059 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata060 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata061 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata070 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata071 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata072 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata062 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata063 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata073 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:09 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata064 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata065 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata066 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata086 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata067 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata074 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata075 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata076 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata077 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata078 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata087 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata088 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata089 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata079 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata080 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata081 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata082 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata083 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata084 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:10 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata094 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:11 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata085 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:11 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata093 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:11 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata092 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:11 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata091 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:11 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata096 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:11 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata051 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:11 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata052 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:11 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata053 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:11 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata090 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:14:12 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata095 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:15:17 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata097 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:15:17 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata098 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 04:15:17 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /dbdata105 is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    03/09/2014 10:31:56 PM - Error bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: ERR - Modification time has changed while backing up /oracle/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/network/log/listener920.log.
    03/09/2014 11:56:14 PM - Error bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: ERR - Modification time has changed while backing up /oracle/app/oracle/product/oias/busint/opmn/logs/ipm.log.
    03/09/2014 11:57:05 PM - Error bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: ERR - Modification time has changed while backing up /oracle/app/oracle/product/oias/busint/webcache/logs/event_log.
    04/09/2014 12:18:46 AM - Error bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: ERR - Modification time has changed while backing up /oracle/app/oracle/product/oias/ldap/log/oidldapd01s16212.log.
    04/09/2014 12:47:18 AM - Error bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: ERR - Modification time has changed while backing up /oracle/app/oracle/product/oias/opmn/logs/ipm.log.
    04/09/2014 02:48:41 AM - Info bpbrm (pid=8913364) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /aplicacion3/intranet/regularizaFogade is on file system type NFS. Skipping.
    04/09/2014 03:01:29 AM - Error bpbrm (pid=8913364) socket read failed: errno = 119 - System call timed out.
    04/09/2014 03:01:31 AM - Error bptm (pid=22806676) media manager terminated by parent process
    04/09/2014 03:01:45 AM - Info bpbkar (pid=0) done. status: 13: file read failed
    04/09/2014 03:01:45 AM - end writing; write time: 13:17:59
    04/09/2014 03:11:45 AM - Info nbjm (pid=4587564) starting backup job (jobid=1907837) for client bdvdesa1_b, policy Desa_Sun_Standard_bdvdesa1, schedule Desa_Sun_Standard_bdvdesa1_Full_Semanal
    04/09/2014 03:11:46 AM - Info bpbrm (pid=7864566) bdvdesa1_b is the host to backup data from
    04/09/2014 03:11:46 AM - Info bpbrm (pid=7864566) reading file list from client
    04/09/2014 03:11:48 AM - Info bpbrm (pid=7864566) starting bpbkar on client
    04/09/2014 03:11:48 AM - Info bpbkar (pid=0) Backup started
    04/09/2014 03:11:48 AM - Info bpbrm (pid=7864566) bptm pid: 5046286
    04/09/2014 03:11:49 AM - Info bptm (pid=5046286) start
    04/09/2014 03:11:49 AM - Info bptm (pid=5046286) using 262144 data buffer size
    04/09/2014 03:11:49 AM - Info bptm (pid=5046286) using 64 data buffers
    04/09/2014 03:11:51 AM - Info bptm (pid=5046286) start backup
    04/09/2014 03:11:51 AM - Info bptm (pid=5046286) backup child process is pid 11403724
    04/09/2014 03:11:53 AM - Info bpbrm (pid=7864566) from client bdvdesa1_b: TRV - /var/crash is in a different file system from /. Skipping.
    file read failed  (13)



    Im using version  of netbackup , upgrading it soon to 7.5

  • 04/09/2014 03:01:29 AM - Error bpbrm (pid=8913364) socket read failed: errno = 119 - System call timed out.
    04/09/2014 03:01:31 AM - Error bptm (pid=22806676) media manager terminated by parent process
    04/09/2014 03:01:45 AM - Info bpbkar (pid=0) done. status: 13: file read failed

    You seem to have a potential network issue .

    Need bpbrm and bptm logs from the media server at VERBOSE = 5 (and if windows server the verbose 5 a nd general = 2)   and bpbkar log from the client.