Forum Discussion

Prab's avatar
Level 3
17 years ago

bpclient command

when i tried to execute the command


bpclient -All -M <MASTER SERVER> -L | egrep "Client Name" | wc -l



on the master server with


SunOS 5.10 Generic_127111-06 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V215 machine


the output was 17.


Should this command show the total number of clients. The actual number of clients are 295. Is there anything that i have given it wrong in the command line.


Please advise.


Thanks & regards,


  • bpclient: List all client entries. Only the client entries that are added explicitly using the bpclient command appear. ( Means Clients that are listed in the Master server ->client attributes list !)


    bpplclient:  Produce a listing of clients.


    For getting list of clients u should use  bpplclient :)



  • Just to avaoid any confusion the command is "bpplclients" with an s.
  • I use bpclient more for communication or network tests between client and master, to list the clients you only need bpplclients command