Forum Discussion

Michael_G_Ander's avatar
11 years ago

bpclntcmd -resync_host_cache documentation ?


Is looking for documenation of the -resync_host_cache option of bpclntcmd.

Have tried Netbackup7.6_Commands.pdf and searching symantec sites and the web, without luck



  • Hi Michael 
    I have learned to remove the '-' when I search Google for command options. The '-' is saying to Google to exclude/omit the word.
    So, my search criteria in Google was: bpclntcmd resync_host_cache

    My 1st NetBackup trainer taught me that if a command is not documented in the Commands manual, it is not supported and should not be used unless instructed by Support engineer.

  • Thanks Marianne, wonder why I did not find that technote


    Ananya, think the option should be descibed as it shows up when doing bpclntcmd -help, could be described with a caution that only Symantec is allowed to use this option.

  • Hi Michael 
    I have learned to remove the '-' when I search Google for command options. The '-' is saying to Google to exclude/omit the word.
    So, my search criteria in Google was: bpclntcmd resync_host_cache

    My 1st NetBackup trainer taught me that if a command is not documented in the Commands manual, it is not supported and should not be used unless instructed by Support engineer.

  • ah of course the - issue when searching

    Prefer things to be documented even if I can/may not use them



  • You may want to suggest this in the Ideas section.... but.... don't hold your breath.... 

  • Based on my previous experience with Symantec and the ideas section I will not suggest it in ideas