bpdbjob field for dedupe ratio
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When I run this command:
bpdbjobs -all_columns | cut -d ',' -f61
I get a bunch of garbage in the output, not simple two-digit numbers that I'd expect.
I got the follow command line working:
From bpdbjobs -all_columns -jobid 1281
Report=scanned: 694598 KB\, CR sent: 23075 KB\, dedup: 96.68%,02/12/2018 17:04:12
The dedupe value can then be retrived :
# bpdbjobs -most_columns -jobid 1281 | awk -F',' '{ print $58 }'
96.680000If using a script the status of field 2 and 3 need to be looked at since some jobs type does not have a dedupe rate:
# Field 1 = Jobtybe 0 = backup 4 =duplicate 6 = catalog backup 17 = image cleanup
# Field 2 = State 0 = queued 1=active 2=wait for retry 3=doneBest Regards