bpdbjobs ... no results
Hey guys,
It worked earlier but now since i installed 90 windows updates, bpdbjobs no longer works. Even though in the activity monitor, i see all the jobs, bpdbjobs simply goes to the next line. Same behavior with Summary option... bpdbjobs -summary gives you the header and then goes back to the prompt.
Any suggestions?
I had exactly this issue on my test server - but the OS was Solaris.
No idea what caused it, as being a test server, things get changed - what I can say, is that in my case it was OS related - truss on the process just stopped, no error, nothing, just simply didn;t work. Logs looked perfect up until the point it just stopped - so absolutely nothing to go on.
Reinstall of NBU didn't fix - which proved it was the OS.
Reinstall of the OS (when I eventually got round to it) fixed the issue.
Looking in the logs alone I think is not going to be too helpful because you are going to have to identify which patch (or patches) broke this and then lean on MS to assist in doing something about it. Once the patch is identified then it will be easier to find out why it has broken. I would strongly suggest you install 'Process Monitor' (from Sys internals) to look at what the process is doing.
Without knowing the patch, it is like saying we know something at the OS level has changed, but we're not going to tell you what, which is the missing piece of the jigsaw - without this piece, it is unreasonable to try and fix it from the Symantec side alone.