Forum Discussion

Mark_Hill's avatar
Level 4
18 years ago

bpend_notify scripting

Hey Guys,
   We are going to start using this script to send emails to our mobile phone sms gateway when backups fail.

We need to filter out which ones get reported. Im not a script guy, but I see that the script gets param's called POLICYNAME and CLIENTNAME, so can a statement be added using an if statement to filter certain clients/policies?

e.g. If CLIENTNAME = then continue else end

That kinda thing? Obviously I didnt use any kind of syntax there, just thinking out loud.


Thanks in advance.
  • Sure you can put any if statements or any other normal shell commands in this script.  You'll want to reference things via their variable names though. 

    # This script:
    #       must be executable by the root user
    #       should exit with 0 upon successful completion

    so your CLIENTNAME would be referenced as $1 and STATUS would be $5.  You'll probably need at least 1 if statement for

    if $5 = 0
    don't the backup was successful
  • Hi Mark,
    The "bpend_notify" is normally a client side script, to handle tidy up of backups streams/jobs.  You could implement your requirements in this script, but then you'll have to copy it to all clients that you want to monitor.  Also, "bpend_notify" is quite finicky, in that it must not generate any output to stdout or stderr, as any output on these channels is treated as backup data to be sent to the media server and thus may actually cause your working backups to fail.
    Another alternative is to locate the SMSing in the script on the master server that is run whenever any backup jobs completes, and this script is known as "backup_exit_notify".
    You didn't specify your OS or NBU versions.
    Attached is a copy of my "backup_exit_notify.cmd" for NBU ES v5.1 MP6 on WIndows 2000 Adv Server SP$ MSCS cluster.  You'll need to tweak it a bit.
    The key point to note is that the R: drive is our clustered catalog drive (which is SAN attached).  You may need to change this depenfing on where you keep your scripts on your master server.
    We use different lists of client names (i.e. text files that contain client names) to determine which team is sent an email.
    Cut below-------------------------------------------------------------------
    @echo off
    REM See foot of file for technical notes and version table.
    setlocal enableextensions

    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM - Check for proper parameter use...
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if "%6" == "" goto :BadParams
    if "%7" == "" goto :GoodParams

    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM - Incorrect number of parameters...
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo backup_exit_notify expects 6 parameters: %* >> %OUTF%

    goto :end

    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM - We only email if the job has failed, so leave if the backup was good or partial...
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if "%5" == "0" goto :end
    if "%5" == "1" goto :end
    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM - Setup some variables to save too much hard coding...
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    set z_dt=%date% %time:~0,8%
    set z_blat=%windir%\System32\blat
    set z_admincmd=D:\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
    set z_name=%~n0
    set z_path=R:\Scripts\%z_name%
    set z_subject=NetBackup job for client '%1' failed with status '%5'.
    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM - Create a file to contain the email text/body...
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if exist %OUTF% del %OUTF%

    echo ------------------------------------------------- >> %OUTF%
    echo %z_subject% >> %OUTF%
    echo ------------------------------------------------- >> %OUTF%
    echo CLIENT:         %1 >> %OUTF%
    echo POLICY:         %2 >> %OUTF%
    echo SCHEDULE:       %3 >> %OUTF%
    echo SCHEDULE TYPE:  %4 >> %OUTF%
    echo STATUS:         %5 >> %OUTF%
    echo STREAM:         %6 >> %OUTF%
    echo DATE TIME:      %z_dt% >> %OUTF%
    echo ------------------------------------------------- >> %OUTF%
    echo . >> %OUTF%
    echo The meaning of the exit status %5 is: >> %OUTF%
    echo . >> %OUTF%
    %z_admincmd%\bperror -S %5 -r >> %OUTF%
    echo ------------------------------------------------- >> %OUTF%
    REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM - Always send email to NetBackup admins...
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for /f %%r in (%z_path%\support_adm.txt) do (
     %z_blat% %OUTF% -to %%r -i Netbackup -s "%z_subject%" > NUL
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM - Are we to ignore this policy (i.e. don't inform any other support teams)...
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    find /i "%2" %z_path%\ignore_pol.txt > NUL
    if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto :end
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM - Send to Unix admins if applicable, and forward email to the Unix
    REM - monitoring account "xx" on "xx"...
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    find /i "%2" %z_path%\unix_pol.txt > NUL
    if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
     for /f %%r in (%z_path%\unix_adm.txt) do (
       %z_blat% %OUTF% -to %%r -i Netbackup -s "%z_subject%" > NUL
     %z_blat% %OUTF% -to syschk -i Netbackup -s "%z_subject%" -server 10.xx.xx.xx:25 > NUL
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM - Send to Windows admins if applicable...
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    find /i "%2" %z_path%\win_pol.txt > NUL
    if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
     for /f %%r in (%z_path%\win_adm.txt) do (
       %z_blat% %OUTF% -to %%r -i Netbackup -s "%z_subject%" > NUL
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM - Send to VMS admins if applicable...
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    find /i "%2" %z_path%\vms_pol.txt > NUL
    if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
     for /f %%r in (%z_path%\vms_adm.txt) do (
       %z_blat% %OUTF% -to %%r -i Netbackup -s "%z_subject%" > NUL
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM - End of batch file...
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    exit /b
    REM #################################################################################
    REM # Name: backup_exit_notify.cmd
    REM # Purpose: NetBackup job completion notify script.
    REM # Author: Unknown
    REM # Date: 24th June 2004
    REM #
    REM # Date   Who Description
    REM # ----   --- -----------
    REM # 24/06/2004  xx Initial version.
    REM # 05/09/2006  DR Now only do processing if job is unsuccessful.
    REM #################################################################################

    @REM $Header: /ovsrc/int/CVS/src/nb/tools/backup_exit_notify.cmd,v 1.2 2002/11/20 02:10:34 $
    @REM bcpyrght
    @REM ***************************************************************************
    @REM * $VRTScprght: Copyright 1993 - 2002 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved $ *
    @REM ***************************************************************************
    @REM ecpyrght
    @REM backup_exit_notify.cmd
    @REM This script is called by the NetBackup scheduler, after an individual
    @REM client backup has completed (including media closure and image db
    @REM validation.
    @REM NOTE:  this script will always be run in "background" mode, meaning that
    @REM        the NetBackup scheduler will NOT wait for it's completion.
    @REM This script:
    @REM receives 5 parameters:
    @REM  %1 = CLIENT           - the client hostname
    @REM  %2 = POLICY           - the policy label
    @REM  %3 = SCHEDULE         - the schedule label
    @REM  %4 = SCHEDULE_TYPE    - the type of schedule:  FULL INCR UBAK
    @REM                                                 UARC
    @REM  %5 = STATUS           - the backup status for this job
    @REM  %6 = STREAM           - the backup stream number for this job
    @REM - Main program ------------------------------------------------------------
    @REM -
    @REM - This script only runs on NT 4.0 and succeeding versions of NT.  You must
    @REM - have command extensions enabled.  Check the following registry entry:
    @REM -
    @REM - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\EnableExtensions
    @REM -
    @REM - It should be set to 0x1 or you may have problems running this script.
    @REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Hey David, Thanks for the reply, Im sure we can use some of this in our situation.

    Perhaps I should have mentioned that we run a Solaris Master server :P
