BPIMAGELIST - Output desired fields from image DB (Windows)
Hi all,
I saw a great artical from Andy Welburn advising how best to use bpimagelist with awk to output the desiered fields from the image database on UNIX;
DOCUMENTATION: What are the different fields in "bpimagelist -l" output?
Elapsed time is one of the output fields....
Also, bpimagelist -L will give these fields in a more readable form.
You could be looking at a lot of output so may want to "filter" your results somehow!
bpimagelist -l -d 06/07/2011 00:00:00 -e 06/08/2011 00:00:00 -client client | awk '/^IMAGE/ {print $2, $7, $15}'
will produce output only of client name, policy & elapsed time (seconds) for backups between those times.
I'm looking for the equivilent tool to manipulate the output on Windows and found the nearest option is FINDSTR, but it doesn't quite cut it. It filters the output like grep but theres no controlling what fields from the image database to display.
I need to output client name, backup date, schedule, copy number, expiration date and byte count for a number of clients. I find this simple task frustratingly difficult in the unlicensed (currently) version of Ops Centre.
Any help appreciated.
Good stuff - i did put my amended script above but having said that i think i altered it to use either -l or maybe even bpmedialist!
Keep us updated on the progress!