Forum Discussion

issmag's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

bpimagelist columns


can we specify which columns should bpimagelist return for example, when running the command from script for a list of clients ??

thanks for your help

  • Unfortunately not.

    What specific info are you looking for exactly?


    For info:

    DOCUMENTATION: What are the different fields in "bpimagelist -l" output?


  • Unfortunately not.

    What specific info are you looking for exactly?


    For info:

    DOCUMENTATION: What are the different fields in "bpimagelist -l" output?


  • Power shell should be able to filter out the the text do do not need.

    The build-in findstr  command may also be able to do the job.

  • or awk if using unix ...

    For example:

    bpimagelist -l |grep FRAG |awk '{print $9}'

    ... would list the 9th field on the FRAG lines, displaying the media id.

  • thanks a lot for your replys,

    in my client file list i have 100 clients, so, when i execute the command, i need the column CLient to be shown.



  • On a per row basis, the fields are "space delimited".  There are a number of ways to parse.  Here is how I do it via vbscript:

    ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Extract NBUImage_Schedule from NBUImage Record (skip # of spaces)
    ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    strStartColumn = 001
    strSpacesToSkip = 010
    For tmpNdx1 = +001 to strSpacesToSkip Step +001
    strStartColumn = inStr(strStartColumn, strRecord_NBUImage, " ", vbTextCompare)
    strStartColumn = strStartColumn + 001
    strEndColumn = inStr(strStartColumn, strRecord_NBUImage, " ", vbTextCompare)
    strNBUImage_Schedule = LCase(Mid(strRecord_NBUImage, strStartColumn, strEndColumn - strStartColumn))

    Hope this helps...