Forum Discussion

siri416's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

bpimmedia throwing error the database contains conflicting or erroneous entries

Hi Al,


I'm trying to figure out what was backedup on physical tape, but getting below error

the database contains conflicting or erroneous entries



  • ...  -backupid client_1220222843 ....

    This is your timestamp: 1220222843

    UNIX time 1220222843 is 08/31/2008 10:47pm GMT.

    So, if you go to /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images folder, you should see a folder for client name.
    In this folder, there should be a 1220000000 folder. Look in there for all file names that correspond with the timestamp: 1220222843.

    If I look at the policy name in bpimagelist above, the policy type may have been MS-Windows or Lotus Notes.
    'bpimagelist -backupid client_1220222843 -L' will confirm.

  • If you run bpimagelist -l -d mm/dd/yyyy  |grep <media id>

    This will show the FRAG lines, you will need to look back a few lines (1 or more) to see the corresponding IMAGE line that contains the backupid.


    Use a date that is 'before' the tape was written (bpimagelist by default only returns the last 24hrs of backups).



    Bearing in mind you suggest you have other catalog errors this might not show all results, so Debs idea of mcontents should be foolproof.

  • Thanks mph999

    I have tried bpimgaelist ..listed fragments and have got server name. checked viz CLI for particular serevr using backup date and it listed damaged tape , but Backup,archive,restore window of that client not showing that youknow why ?


  • ... but Backup,archive,restore window of that client not showing that youknow why ?


    What is the timestamp on the image seen in bpimagelist output?
    Can you see policy type?

    To see images/files in BAR and then check for media id, all of the following must match:
    Client name (must match exactly)
    Policy type
    Date/time of backup

    You can also check as follows:
    bpimagelist -client  <client_name> -d <start-date> -e <end-date> -media -U

    The other possibility is that the image header exist but that the 'files file' is missing or damaged.

    If you share info, we can point you to the path where you can go to in order to check for header and other files that are needed.

  • I dont see any timestamp, policy type is MS-Windows .

    used below command only to check media for that client , and it listed media which is damaged

    bpimagelist -client  <client_name> -d <start-date> -e <end-date> -media -U

    And I dont see the time stamp in BAR ,which I have from CLI 

     /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -backupid client_1220222843 -U

    Backed Up         Expires       Files       KB  C  Sched Type   Policy

    ----------------  ---------- -------- --------  -  ------------ ------------
    08/31/2008 18:47  INFINITY       1712 743100171  N  Full Backup  mns_Windows_Notes



  • ...  -backupid client_1220222843 ....

    This is your timestamp: 1220222843

    UNIX time 1220222843 is 08/31/2008 10:47pm GMT.

    So, if you go to /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images folder, you should see a folder for client name.
    In this folder, there should be a 1220000000 folder. Look in there for all file names that correspond with the timestamp: 1220222843.

    If I look at the policy name in bpimagelist above, the policy type may have been MS-Windows or Lotus Notes.
    'bpimagelist -backupid client_1220222843 -L' will confirm.

  • That helped Marriane. 

    Got the image in BAR and media too..Thanks...