Forum Discussion

Seth_E's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

Can't edit or delete a schedule - Error: The Database contains conflicting or erroneous entries (238)

Hi all,

I'm trying to delete a schedule in a policy and I'm getting this error:

Error: The Database contains conflicting or erroneous entries (238)


Now, I do have 2 policies with the same schedule name. I went to the other policy to also delete this schedule and got this error:

An Invalid Entry was encountered 223.

The second policy was created a while back and was created by copying the first policy. Not sure if this has anything to do with it. Deleting schedules from other policies works fine.


Have any of you ever experienced this?

- Seth

  • Try refreshing or restarting your session.  Had similar trouble when coworker updated a policy and I had session running that still had the older policy attributes. 


  • Same schedule name in more than one policy is not a problem.

    Sounds like some sort of corruption. If you navigate in Windows Explorer to ..\veritas\netbackup\db\class, find a working policy name and check contents of files and sub-folders. Compare with non-working policy.

    It may be best to delete the policy and recreate it. You can once again copy from existing policy.

  • the folder contents of the problem policy appear the same as other policies. In the schedule\<scedule_name> folder, I see three files:





    I suppose it would be unsafe to delete these (thinking that it would remove the scedule) ?

    I also tried bpsched command to remove but, got an error: Invalid Entry was encoutnered.

    Running bppllist shows that an old SLP was associated to this schedule (SLP was deleted) and I'm thinking this is what's causing the problem. SLP was deleted but, is still referenced in this schedule.

    Looks like I'll just create new schedules :)


  • bppllist actually helepd me identify the issue. I noticed that an old SLP was assigned to this schedule. I re-created the SLP, deleted the schedule and removed the SLP again. All is well.