Cat_import Requirement
Hi All,
A backup is taken in a server ( server1) which is running Netbackup 7.6 . Used Tape Media for backup ( say ABCD).
If i ship the media to different environment which is runniong 7.6 with the same hostname ( server1) and the catalog is also copied.
For this scenario, do i need to do cat_import ?
yes it is required..
you need to run the both cat import and cat export command to get the catalogs created in new master server without import
cat_export on source mater server
cat_import on destination master server
see the below DOC
Extra tapes for Secondary Environment backup.
Okay - you have 2 live environments. Both doing backups. Right?
This means you cannot use clustering, replication or catalog backup and recover.
It then seems that "recovery without import" is your only possible solution.
See the pdf in the TN that Nagalla posted: per Changes to partial catalog recovery in NetBackup 7.5 in the doc - just a copy of db/images is no longer sufficient.
You need cat_export to get the header files on the source master and cat_import them on the destination server.