Forum Discussion

FIL-IT's avatar
7 months ago

Catalog backup failing. backup is going to the tape directly.

Error nbjm (pid=19028) nbrb status: RB deallocated orphaned resources
 Error bpbrm (pid=16992) db_IMAGE failed: network read failed (42)
 Error bpbrm (pid=16992) could not send server status message to client

I have master and media on the same Windows server. The catalog backup is failing. The backup is directly happening on the tape. Although is show some data is being backed up.

can someone explain what is causing this issue?

These are the details below:

31-Jul-2024 19:23:29 - Info nbjm (pid=19028) starting backup job (jobid=8515) for client <server_name>, policy CatalogueBackup, schedule Differential-Inc

31-Jul-2024 19:23:29 - Info nbjm (pid=19028) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=8515, request id:{EBF32FF6-B744-4A23-B44E-3C2D9622BB13})

31-Jul-2024 19:23:29 - requesting resource  <server_name> 31-Jul-2024 19:23:29 - requesting resource  <server_name>NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.<server_name>

31-Jul-2024 19:23:29 - requesting resource  <server_name>NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.CatalogueBackup 31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - Info bpbrm (pid=16992) The data-in-transit encryption (DTE) is disabled for the client <server_name> as the global DTE mode is set to 'Preferred Off' and the client DTE mode is set to 'Automatic'

31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - Info bpbrm (pid=16992) <server_name> is the host to backup data from 31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - Info bpbrm (pid=16992) reading file list for client

31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - granted resource  <server_name>.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.<server_name>

31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - granted resource <server_name>NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.CatalogueBackup

31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - granted resource  D1C000

31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - granted resource  IBM.ULT3580-HH8.001

31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - granted resource  <server_name>

31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - estimated 0 kbytes needed

31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - Info nbjm (pid=19028) started backup (backupid=<server_name>_1722450210) job for client <server_name>, policy CatalogueBackup, schedule Differential-Inc on storage unit <server_name>

31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - started process bpbrm (pid=16992) 31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - Info bpbrm (pid=16992) listening for client connection

31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - Info bpbrm (pid=16992) INF - Client read timeout = 300 31-Jul-2024 19:23:30 - connecting

31-Jul-2024 19:23:31 - Info bpbrm (pid=16992) accepted connection from client

31-Jul-2024 19:23:31 - Info bpbrm (pid=16992) start bpbkar on client

31-Jul-2024 19:23:31 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00

31-Jul-2024 19:23:34 - Info dbclient (pid=17364) Backup started

31-Jul-2024 19:23:34 - Info dbclient (pid=2568) Backup started

31-Jul-2024 19:23:34 - Info dbclient (pid=2568) change time comparison:<disabled>

31-Jul-2024 19:23:34 - Info dbclient (pid=2568) archive bit processing:<disabled>

31-Jul-2024 19:23:34 - Info bptm (pid=18972) start

31-Jul-2024 19:23:35 - Info bptm (pid=18972) using 262144 data buffer size

31-Jul-2024 19:23:35 - Info bptm (pid=18972) setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes

31-Jul-2024 19:23:35 - Info bptm (pid=18972) using 128 data buffers

31-Jul-2024 19:23:35 - Info bptm (pid=18972) start backup

31-Jul-2024 19:23:35 - Info bptm (pid=18972) Waiting for mount of media id D1C000 (copy 1) on server <server_name>.

31-Jul-2024 19:23:35 - mounting D1C000

31-Jul-2024 19:24:17 - Info bptm (pid=18972) media id D1C000 mounted on drive index 1, drivepath {0,0,5,0}, drivename IBM.ULT3580-HH8.001, copy 1

31-Jul-2024 19:24:17 - mounted D1C000; mount time: 0:00:42 31-Jul-2024 19:24:17 - positioning D1C000 to file 511

31-Jul-2024 19:25:25 - positioned D1C000; position time: 0:01:08

31-Jul-2024 19:25:25 - begin writing

31-Jul-2024 19:27:06 - Info dbclient (pid=2568) bpbkar waited 1 times for empty buffer, delayed 1 times.

31-Jul-2024 19:27:06 - Info bptm (pid=18972) waited for full buffer 6054 times, delayed 6353 times 31-Jul-2024 19:27:06 - Info dbclient (pid=2568) done. status: 0

31-Jul-2024 19:27:12 - Info bptm (pid=18972) EXITING with status 0 <----------

31-Jul-2024 19:27:12 - Info bpbrm (pid=16992) validating image for client <server_name>

31-Jul-2024 19:38:05 - Error nbjm (pid=19028) nbrb status: RB deallocated orphaned resources

31-Jul-2024 19:38:08 - Error bpbrm (pid=16992) db_IMAGE failed: network read failed (42)

31-Jul-2024 19:38:08 - Error bpbrm (pid=16992) could not send server status message to client

31-Jul-2024 19:38:09 - Info dbclient (pid=2568) done. status: 150: termination requested by administrator

31-Jul-2024 19:38:09 - end writing; write time: 0:12:44

client process aborted  (50)

  • This looks like an issue with validation after backup of the nbdb (relational database part of the catalog)


    Check if you can run nbdb_admin -valudate

    I would suspect that it's failing.   It's been a good few years since I've seen a validation fail, but two reasons used to be.  

    1. wrong databases listed in the databases.conf that no longer match with paths of where the DB files are, or where bmrdb was once configured but has since been removed.
    2. Memory issues on the system, if this is Linux check overcommit setting for kernel and check in syslog/messages file to see if process is being aborted because of memory
  • This is a job of differential backup, action a full backup job, then try this differential backup again.