Forum Discussion

WikiDonor's avatar
Level 6
9 years ago

Catalog backups and media CLI related queries



Please help us find the answers for the below questions. We are doing catalog backups only as of now. 


What is the CLI command to list the files in a tape.

What are all the essential files need to be backup on migrating the tapes from one library to other.

How to append or load the catalog of other master server without affecting the existing catalog.

How to find out the list of tapes holding the files with the same policy.

How to take backup and restore the encryption key in a media server



Thank you

  • I don't understand what your questions have to do with catalog backup.

    Let my try to answer the way I understand your questions.

    1. NBU does not index backups by media-id. Backups are indexed by client name and date/time. You need a combination of commands for this:
    a) Use bpimmedia to list images on media-id. (bpimmedia -help for command usage )
    b) List client names and date/time from above output.
    c) Use bplist for filenames for above images:
    bplist -C client-name -s start-date-time -e end-date-time -R /

    2. There are no files associated with a library. A tape library is a physical location for tapes and drives.
    Robot and slot number are simply fields in a table in EMM database. When you move tapes from one robot in same environment, you simply eject from one robot, insert in other robot and run Inventory.

    3. You cannot share tapes between masters. If you import a tape on another master it can only be restored from. You cannot append to it.

    You may want to read up on 'Recovery without Import': (See Attachments link).
    This method can be used for (partial) catalog merge.

    4. No idea what you are asking here. Or why. As per my statement above - this is not how backups are indexed. You can look at different options available with 'bpimagelist -help'.

    5. This is a completely different topic that has been asked and answered in other discussions in this forum. 



  • Hi,


    As per the question I assumed you  are going to do a disater recovery test or migration, if its so, there are different procedure rather than the unsequestial question which you raied.

    let us know the exact requirement for raising these questions.