Forum Discussion

PachiPachi's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Catalogue restore Problem Netbackup 6.5.4


I am in the process of moving the catalogue from our current server Netbackup 6.5.4 32 bit Windows 2003 to our new server(new hardware) Windows2008 64bit Netbackup 6.5.4 64bit.I run a catalogue backup to some shared storage(hot catalogue) take the DR files accross too.Power down the current server,rename the new server to same hostname (different ip though mabye this is the issues?)do the catalogue recovery through the gui.Now the catalogue restore completes and I can restore past images no problem so the images database is perfect however,the EMM database and the NBdb database dont seem to restore as all tape libraries volume pools are missing.Checking the logs I did notice this :


16:31:47 INF - scheduler is suspended
Restore started 10/17/2010 16:31:47

16:31:52 ( -----------------------------------------------------------
16:31:52 ( WARNING: The following files and directories will not
16:31:52 ( be restored because they are not present when the backup
16:31:52 ( was done on 14/10/2010 09:52:04. These files and
16:31:52 ( directories were either moved or deleted prior to this
16:31:52 ( backup, but did exist in a previous backup. If needed,
16:31:52 ( they can be restored by doing a normal restore instead
16:31:52 ( of doing a true image restore.
16:31:52 ( -----------------------------------------------------------

16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/EMM_DATA.db  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/EMM_INDEX.db  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/NBDB.db  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/NBDB.log.1  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/databases.conf  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/server.conf  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/vxdbms.conf  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/EMM_DATA.db  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/EMM_INDEX.db  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/NBDB.db  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/NBDB.log.1  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/databases.conf  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/server.conf  is not in the true image list. Skipping.
16:31:52 ( /D/Program Files/VERITAS/NetBackupDB/staging/vxdbms.conf  is not in the true image list. Skipping.


Now I can just copy those databases accross manually ,is there a way to attach the emm and nbdb manually?.Other things,The netbackup mastert server used to be clustered back in the day but that was done away with and move back to one host(done by symantec),Is there a config entry somewhere stopping the database restore?.If I have missed any details please let me know,Thanks for the help.

  • Got it working it ,it was trying to reference the old cluster,just had to edit the registry a bit and  its all good.Thanks for the help.

  • hope you done below process,

    As per your message you have mentioned that catalog restore completed successfully, have you verifed the logs in activity monitor of catalog recover job. Have you verified that while restoring catalog you have selected 'entire catalog' recovery or only perticular one like 'image file' or 'rational database'.


    After recovering catalog have you restarted Netbackup services ? if not run below command in path Netbackup/bin "bpdown -v -f" once all the NB services stops

    type bpps and verify any process is runnnig if so kill the process and then restart the NB services by command

    "bpup -v -f" in the same .

  • Yup did service and server restarts,tried the restore a couple times always full catalogue restore.Is there a way to just copy the databases accross and overwrite the blank ones on the new server?

  • Try the below technote in test environment and check it may help ,


  • As the catalogue is really large I dont have it available to me as the origional server is running when this import didnt work,is there no way to copy the emm and nbdb files accross and replace the default ones?.

  • 1.) Do you have only one backup of Catalog ?is there any second last backup, try that one(the second last)..there may be some corruption in the last Catalog backup thats why the current problem you are facing.

    2.) This is for linux but it may give you some help


    How to recover EMM relational database from offline catalog backup using bprecover.

    DOCUMENTATION: How to move the NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) Database using the NetBackup Relational Database Administration Tool



    Note:- (i have a suspect that you changed the name of Netbackup(win2008 machine) from abc to the real/current Netbackup hostname which might doing problem. I never recommend you to change the hostname on a netbackup machine)




  • I am running on solaris 9, SL500 library, lto2 tapes, master server and media server on the same machine, but

    I use cold catalog (one tape only) to import production in DR NetBackup server. I change only the IP address on th DR and I restore all I want from the production tape. The catalog is save on a lto2 tape. Unless you have a very big catalog, you can try this.

  • Heya,


    The hostnames are the same just ip different so mabye its that.Unfortuantely my catalogue is 1.5TB so its hard to get a catalogue backup down the current server import catalogue to see if it works and fail back if it doesnt ,currently that process thats 3 days so we lose alot of backups.I will try the same ip next time and mabye bprecover from command line rather than through the gui.

  • Got it working it ,it was trying to reference the old cluster,just had to edit the registry a bit and  its all good.Thanks for the help.