Change expiration date to all backups image in catalog to infinite
Hi All,
I have a requirement to change expiration date for all backup image in catalog to infinite. I aware by backup ID, Media ID or client name we can do the changes but i want to have a single command that change exp date to infinite of all backup images in the catalog.
Before I used bpexpdate -recalculate -client clientname -d infinity -force, here i want to know this command could have changed the expiration date to infinite for all backup images of the client specified or not ?.
Most of images we have in disk storage i.e on DD. If there a command to change all images to infinite in DD by specifiying the storage unit name or diskpool ..etc also would be helpful.
Also want to know the different between image and media expiration.
I am not aware of any command to change expiration for backup images kept in certain storage unit...
What I would do is:
- list all backups and take out only backup ID part of it (in my NBU version it is column 10th)
- than run against each image a bpexpdate command ie:
bpimagelist -d 1/1/1970 -idonly |awk '{print $10}' |xargs -n1 bpexpdate -force -d infinity -backupid
and that should be done... If you have thousands of backup images I would do some logging etc... and make sure that your session will not die in mean time... on linux i would do in in screen....