You do need to be careful with this .. so use this at your own risk!!!
This needs to be run from a Windows Master or Media Server...
1. Create a directory named C:\changeslp\
2. create a file in there named changeslp.bat
3. right click the file and select edit
4. Paste in the following (this assumes NBU is installed at C:\Program Files\Veritas):
"c:\program files\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\nbstl" -b>"c:\changeslp\slps.txt"
for /f %%a in (c:\changeslp\slps.txt) do "c:\program files\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\nbstl" %%a -modify -residence group1,group2,group3
The above is three lines so make sure it pasts in that way.
The firts line pipes out ALL of your SLP into the text file slps.txt .. this is just their names so if you want to test this on a SLP first rem the first line out and create the slps.txt file yourself with a test SLP in it.
The second line reads the slps.txt file so that it has a list to edit and will work its way through them all
The group1, group2 part needs to be changed with your choice of storge groups .. which as you have three will need all three changing as desired and will edit them top to bottom as you look at your SLP.
Test if first - and as i say this is at your own risk and as it stands will edit all slps that you have .. so you may just need to do your own slps.txt file to suit.
Once run do a refresh all in the admin console to see the changes
Don't do this if you have any images that have not completed their lifecycle as they will keep the old settings.
Hope this helps