15 years ago
Checkpoint restart for windows backup jobs
Question: Does the checkpoint restart work with windows(system state) backup jobs? I'm having an issue with a weekly full backup of a windows 2003 client failing and I want to use this feature to save some time while I investigate the issue since it fails near the end of the backup and it takes 10 hours to start the backup over.
Also, how much does this affect performance/speed? FYI I'm running 6.5.5.
Also, how much does this affect performance/speed? FYI I'm running 6.5.5.
Checkpoint restart is supported for filesystem backups, but does not apply to System State backups.
Extract from Admin Guide I under the topic Checkpoint restart support:
p. 102
■ On Windows clients:
■ System State backups: No checkpoints are taken during the backup of a System State.