Forum Discussion

Saqib_Alam's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

client/server handshaking failed(26)


My Exchange GRT Backup is getting failed with the following error code.

client/server handshaking failed(26)

All the ports are open from Master/Media to Exchange Mailbox and we are able to telnet on both directions, but still getting same error.

Find the job detail logs are attached.



  • PLEASE believe me when I tell you that NBU is CASE SENSITIVE.

    kacst-dag001 != KACTST-DAG001

    Are you running all connection test and ping commands on master as well as media server?


    I Change the name to Small lettters and now backup is working fine.


    • bienxanhlunglin's avatar
      Level 2


      I am geting the same your proble, Could you detail me what I have to do with "I Change the name to Small lettters and now backup is working fine" ?


      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6
        This user last posted in 2013.
        Best to start a new discussion where you explain your situation.
  • We can see in one of your tags that you are using NBU 7.5.

    Can you confirm that this version is also installed on all DAG members?

    We see status 58 in Job Details:

    Cannot connect to KACST-DAG001
    Info (pid=0) done. status: 58: can't connect to client

    We normally see this when there is a firewall issue or when client is unable to resolve server's IP address to hostname that appears in SERVER list.

    Is KACTST-DAG001 a physical or virtual hostname?

    Please ensure that you have bpcd log folder on all DAG members, then do the follwing from master and media server:

    bptestbpcd -client KACTST-DAG001 -debug -verbose.

    Please post output of betestbpcd command(s) as well as bpcd log on all DAG members.

  • C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bptestbpcd -client KACTST-DAG001
     -debug -verbose
    15:57:46.251 [12524.10016] <2> bptestbpcd: VERBOSE = 0
    15:57:46.251 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update: [vnet_addrinf
    o.c:1583] in failed file cache ERR=11001 NAME=KACTST-DAG001 SVC=NULL
    15:57:46.251 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1273] v
    net_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update() failed 6 0x6
    15:57:46.251 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_same_host_and_update: [vnet_addrinfo.c:2839]
     vnet_cached_getaddrinfo() failed STAT=6 RV=11001 NAME2=KACTST-DAG001
    15:57:46.251 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update: [vnet_addrinf
    o.c:1530] in failed cache ERR=11001 NAME=KACTST-DAG001 SVC=NULL
    15:57:46.251 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1273] v
    net_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update() failed 6 0x6
    15:57:46.251 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_same_host_and_update: [vnet_addrinfo.c:2839]
     vnet_cached_getaddrinfo() failed STAT=6 RV=11001 NAME2=KACTST-DAG001
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update: [vnet_addrinf
    o.c:1530] in failed cache ERR=11001 NAME=KACTST-DAG001 SVC=NULL
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1273] v
    net_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update() failed 6 0x6
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_same_host_and_update: [vnet_addrinfo.c:2832]
     vnet_cached_getaddrinfo() failed STAT=6 RV=11001 NAME1=KACTST-DAG001
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update: [vnet_addrinf
    o.c:1530] in failed cache ERR=11001 NAME=KACTST-DAG001 SVC=NULL
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1273] v
    net_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update() failed 6 0x6
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <8> init_connect_recs: [vnet_connect.c:721] vnet_cach
    ed_getaddrinfo() failed STAT=6 RV=11001 HOST=KACTST-DAG001
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <8> connect_to_service: [vnet_connect.c:545] init_con
    nect_recs() failed 6 0x6
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <8> vnet_connect_to_bpcd: [vnet_connect.c:279] connec
    t_to_service() failed 6 0x6
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <2> local_bpcr_connect: Can't connect to client KACTS
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <2> ConnectToBPCD: bpcd_connect_and_verify(KACTST-DAG
    001, KACTST-DAG001) failed: 48
    <16>bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(KACTST-DAG001) failed: 48
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <16> bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(KACTST-D
    AG001) failed: 48
    <2>bptestbpcd: client hostname could not be found
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <2> bptestbpcd: client hostname could not be found
    <2>bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 48
    15:57:46.266 [12524.10016] <2> bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 48
    client hostname could not be found

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>

  • bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(KACTST-DAG001) failed: 48
    bptestbpcd: client hostname could not be found

    What happens if you ping KACTST-DAG001?

    Check on master and media server.

    PLEASE also answer rest of questions in my previous post?

    I do not ask questions to be difficult, but it order to assist, we need as much information as possible.

  • DAG is Virtual Host Name

    C:\Users\netbackup_admin>ping -a kacst-dag001

    Pinging kacst-dag001 [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=34ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=128

    Ping statistics for
        Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
        Minimum = 10ms, Maximum = 34ms, Average = 16ms


    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -hn kacst-dag001
    host kacst-dag001: kacst-dag001 at
    aliases:     kacst-dag001

    and we are using NBU all servers have same version for futher information i am attaching nbsu output file.



    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -ip
    host kacst-dag001 at
    aliases:     kacst-dag001


  • PLEASE believe me when I tell you that NBU is CASE SENSITIVE.

    kacst-dag001 != KACTST-DAG001

    Are you running all connection test and ping commands on master as well as media server?

  • Yes i am running all test on media and master server both,

    now i am getting this error that connection issue is no more.

    none of the requested files were backed up(2)

  • Glad we could help to sort out the connection problems.

    With regards to your new error, please have a look at these HOWTO videos (the information will be same for post-7.0 as well):

    Exchange 2010 Backups
    If these videos do not help to solve your new issue, please start a new discussion with all relevant details of your environment plus steps that you have taken to config policy and GRT.
    Please remember to close this thread by marking the post that has helped you most as Solution.
  • Your latest post regarding duplication errors :  shows attempt to to duplicate DAG backup.

    This says to me that this issue has been resolved and DAG backups now completing successful?

    If this is true, please select the post that helped you solve status 26 and Mark As Solution.