Compress Catalog Interval
Netbackup7.5 Environment in Solaries master server ( Available clusters). netbackup /opt/openv/netbackup/db is linked to another mount point. ( /opt/VRTSnbu )
DB images increasing and reached 97%. On this situvation verified Compress Catalog Interval in Master server attribute. it's disable state.
Enabled and mention Ater 30days. It's aking all Cluster nodes also required this. Selected yes and it's asked some daemon still running..?
Now few backups running... on this required refresh netbackup services ?
used bprereq -rereadconfig. How much time it will tack to decrease mount point ? or any other souction available ? Please sugggest ?
You will need to use the cluster tools to restart NBU resource to apply the change.
Catalog compression will happen next time image cleanup runs after the restart.
All images older than 30 days will be compressed.Best to assign more space to the catalog volume.
Catalog compression is a temporary workaround.
Each time you need to do a restore for backups older than 30 days, the images for the client needs to be uncompressed first.