Forum Discussion

new2nbu's avatar
Level 4
6 years ago

Configuring BLAT with STUNNEL

Hello- I'm new to configuring STUNNEL with BLAT and I'm hoping I can explain this ok but looking for some assistance.  The Netbackup catalog DR file/email can no longer be sent via email using SMTP over port 25 and they are enforcing TLS over port 587.

I have always used BLAT and I have since downloaded stunnel and went through these steps:

  1. Download and install stunnel-5.56-win64-installer.exe
  2. Created a backup of the stunnel.conf.orig.txt file
  3. Edited stunnel.conf text to the following:

            client = yes
             accept = 25
             connect =

  1. Save/quit the file
  2. Start/Programs, right-click "service install" and click Run as Administrator
  3. Start/programs, right click "service start" and click Run as Administrator
  4. Edited nbmail.cmd (d\program files\veritas\netbackup\bin) to include blat xxxx -server localhost:25 
  5. Reconfigured blat using this command:  

          blat.exe -installSMTP localhost <sender_email_address> -q -port 25 -u <smtp account> -pw <password>

  1. Send a test email with this command: 

blat.exe -sender <server_email-address> -to -subject "test from %computeraccount%" -body "test"

I receive the following email error:

***Error *** SMTP server error

Error: Not a socket.

Error:Not a socket

Thanks so much -- hopefully it's something easy and I'm just completely missing it!!

  • sdo's avatar
    6 years ago

    Probably best to reach out to the stunnel people to help you debug their logs.

  • I suspect that maybe all you need is a local Windows firewall rule to allow incoming traffic to stunnel on the localhost, and/or maybe your A/V is blocking incoming port 25 and/or maybe AV is also blocking outgoing port 587.

    Can you telnet to localhost port 25 ?

    Can you telnet to SMTP relay host port 587 ?

    • new2nbu's avatar
      Level 4

      Thank so much for the reply.  Sorry, I should have included that.  Yes, I can telnet both on ports 25 and 587 to the mail server and the Windows Firewall is turned off.  I was running the test command with blat <blat.exe -server -to -subject "test from %computeraccount% -body "test" I still receive this error:

      Error:Connection to server was dropped.

      ***Error***SMTP Server error

      Error:Not a socket

      Error: Not a socket

      In the stunnel viewer I do see "SSL_Connect:  ssl/record/ssl3_recored.c:331:  ssl3_get_record:wrong version number.. 

      Thanks so much,


      • sdo's avatar

        You need to be able to telnet port 25 on the localhost, i.e. the host executing the blat command and running the stunnel service (assuming from your config that they are indeed the same host) - i.e. the stunnel service is simply acting as a gateway / hop :

        your blat sending on port 25 -> stunnel listenning on port 25, relay in code, stunnel sending on port 587 -> mailhost listenning on port 587