Forum Discussion

Tabriz's avatar
Level 5
3 years ago

Copy images from frozen tape to a any tape with command

Hi Dear Community,

l need to copy image frozen tape to any tape.from Client soft l did the procedure -> Catalog -> action->duplicate -> media id  -> frozen tape an etc. But l click search mow didn't appeared any images on search list.

but l check in reports section -> images on tape -> l search the images on frozen tape the images were listed.

who can help me what do l need to do?

is possible do this with command.



14 Replies

    • quebek's avatar

      Are you sure this is primary copy? Maybe it is copy 2 or copy 3?

      please check with this command bpimmedia -mediaid 000042 

      if there is FRAG 1 or FRAG 2 at the beginning


      • Tabriz's avatar
        Level 5

        quebek  thanks for the response!


        yes l commanded the bpimmedia -mediaid 000026 (the tape is frozen)


        the list was appeared with FRAG 1 and FRAG 2