Forum Discussion

AlejandroGG's avatar
7 years ago

Correct way of launching CLI bprestore command


Looks like I'm launching bprestore command on a non-correct way. I've browsed through the discussions and the kb's, but nothing comes to the solution unfortunately.

I'm running the following command:

./bprestore -copy 2 -C client1 -D client1 -K -print_jobid -priority 90000 -R rename-file /tmp/test_file

rename-file contents:

change /tmp/test_file to /tmp/test_file-recu

After launching the previous command and returning the jobid, it automatically ends under an Incomplete state in the Activity Monitor, and rc 2800:

14-jun-2018 10:26:21 - begin Restore
14-jun-2018 10:26:22 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:01
Standard policy restore error  (2800)

Could you tell me what's wrong with the way I'm launching this?


  • Did not you forget about -t policy_type

    are both source and dest client running the same OS?

    Add -L progress_log to see more and remeber that -R rename_file (must be an absolute path) - so full path to rename file.

    -t policy_type
    Specifies one of the following numbers that corresponds to the policy type. The default is 0 for all clients except Windows, where the default is 13.

    0 = Standard

    8 = MS-SharePoint

    13 = MS-Windows

    16 = MS-Exchange-Server

    19 = NDMP

    20 = FlashBackup

    21 = Split-Mirror

    25 = Lotus-Notes

    29 = FlashBackup-Windows

    30 = Vault

    35 = NBU-Catalog

    38 = PureDisk-Export

    39 = Enterprise-Vault

    40 = VMware

    41 = Hyper-V


    • Michal_Mikulik1's avatar


      several notes:

      - is /tmp/test_file file or folder? You can rename only folders during restore, not files

      - use -L switch to log more detailed output

      - last backup of /tmp/test_file - does it have copy 2?

      - as for policy types mentioned in previous post, Standard is presumed (error 2800), so I guess it is not a problem



    • AlejandroGG's avatar
      Level 2

      Yeah. Both clients are the same - and therefore have the same OS.

      It defaults to "0" (Standard), and it should be correct.

      Also, -R is using absolute path.

      Anyway, I've made the requested modifications: adding -t 0 and also adding -L for logging, and it comes with the same rc, but with more information:

      14-jun-2018 10:43:11 - begin Restore
      14-jun-2018 10:43:11 - Error bprd (pid=93148) Access to /home/user/test.log denied: The provided path is not whitelisted
      14-jun-2018 10:43:11 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:00
      Standard policy restore error  (2800)

      /home/user/test.log contents:

      $ cat test.log
       Restore Job Id=1195123
      Restore started 06/14/2018 10:43:11

  • bprestore -copy 2 -C client1 -D client1 -K -print_jobid -priority 90000 -R rename-file /tmp/test_file

    -R rename_file 

    Here rename_file  must be the name - yours is /tmp/test_file

    Remove rename-file  from the command. 

    bprestore -copy 2 -C client1 -D client1 -K -print_jobid -priority 90000 -R  /tmp/test_file