Creating a new storage server with a media server shows the master instead
I am creating a new storage server and want to use not the master, but the media server:
My master is testnb2, and my media server is testnb1.
I am issuing these commands on the master testnb2:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server dde1Testnb1StSrv_172.20.1.1 -stype INFINIDAT -st 9 -media_server
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -add -storage_server dde1Testnb1StSrv_172.20.44.199 -stype INFINIDAT -sts_user_id user -password **** on host:
This ends well:
Storage server dde1Testnb1StSrv_172.20.44.199 has been successfully created
I then open the GUI on the master and see the storage server is there . I right click the storage server and choose change and get a window with media servers and the master testnb2 is choosen, not the media server I asked for testnb1.
why is the media server not choosen?
- The tpconfig command to add credentials must be executed on the media and not the master server..
As you are running it on the master the credentials get added only for the master server