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GNeil's avatar
Level 4
5 months ago

Cross Provider Restore - Azure to AWS and Vice Versa!!

Hi Friends,

Happy NetBackup 10.5 GA Day!!  I've got a ton of new features I want to share with you, but this one is SUPER cool!

At Veritas, we know that your enterprise cloud environments are heterogenous and need the ability to backup and restore your enterprise cloud virtual machines easily from AWS to Azure and vice versa. Veritas NetBackup continues to un-complicate the cloud by now offering cross cloud provider restore capabilities.

Check out the paper here.


Veritas NetBackup Snapshot Manager with connection credentials for your AWS and Azure environments.

Note:  A backup from snapshot copy must be present to restore the virtual machine to an alternate cloud provider.  Cloud Snapshots can continue to be used for restores at the same cloud provider.

How to Use – Azure to AWS

  1. After a backup has been completed of a cloud virtual machine, navigate to Workloads > Cloud and find the virtual machine you wish to restore to an alternate cloud service provider (CSP). Click on the virtual machine to proceed.




  1. Find the backup you wish to restore and click on Restore Virtual Machine.



  1. On the Restore Virtual Machine page, select the AWS equivalents for Azure.
  2. Target CSP
  3. Configuration Name
  4. Region to restore to
  5. Your AWS Account Number
  6. The name the VM will have in AWS.
  7. The instance machine type
  8. The AMI ID.

Note:  The two attached Azure volumes at the bottom of the screen image will be restored into two volume on AWS.



  1. On the next screen continue to select the AWS equivalents of the Azure VM.
  2. AWS Zone
  3. Network configuration
  4. Network security group
  5. Advanced options


  1. After the restore, log into AWS and the virtual machine will be available for use.



How to Use – AWS to Azure

  1. After a backup has been completed of a cloud virtual machine, navigate to Workloads > Cloud and find the virtual machine you wish to restore to an alternate cloud service provider (CSP). Click on the virtual machine to proceed.




  1. Find the backup you wish to restore and click on Restore Virtual Machine.




  1. On the Restore Virtual Machine page, select the Azure equivalents for AWS.
  2. Target CSP
  3. Configuration Name
  4. Region to restore to
  5. Your Azure subscription
  6. Resource group in Azure to restore to
  7. The name the VM will have in Azure.
  8. The instance machine type

Note:  The two attached AWS volumes at the bottom of the screen image will be restored into two volume on Azure.



  1. On the next screen continue to select the Azure equivalents of the AWS VM.
  2. Azure Zone
  3. Network configuration
  4. Security group
  5. Advanced options




  1. After the restore, log into Azure and the virtual machine will be available for use.



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