Forum Discussion

contra04's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

db_FLISTsend failed: network read failed (42) - How to fix this one?

I have a monster backup that is about 600 Gigs, and seems to work about twice a year....The latest error is


db_FLISTsend failed: network read failed (42) 


Now reading This seems to suggest an issue between the media server and the master server.  Now what to do when these are on the same server?


I added another media server yesterday whilst this was in the middle of its backup, could this be a problem?

  • bpimagelist.exe -idonly -d 11/01/2011 -policy grub-bak_san

    Use level 9 for infinity and keep the rest (10-24) for customized levels (e.g. 5 years, 7 years, etc...)

  • This look like a timing issue. Set CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT on both the client and master/media server to 3600 (1 hour). Re-try the operation.

  • Have kicked it off again - It will take 3 days.  Ill let you know How it goes, going sooo slowly at present.


    I also disabled open file support, as its backing up a drive snapshot

  • Hope you have Checkpoint restart enabled in the policy!

    You did not mention OS or NBU version? Have a look at this TN and see if it is relevant to your environment:


    You can also try to split the filesystem into different streams, e.g.




    in conjunction with Allow Multiple Data Streams in the policy attributes.

    This will give you an additional level of checkpoint restart. Reading 2 streams (or more) at the same speed as the single stream will get backups to run twice as fast as single stream.

    We have seen a customer's F&P data backing up in a couple of hours running 4 streams. Previously it ran from Friday night into Monday morning.

  • I suppose there millions of files placed on the drive. Target is snapshot drive, so you can use raw partition backup for it. Consider other options listed below.

    • Raw partition backup with normal(MS-Windows) policy
      You can get better performance.But by this way, you can not restore individual files/folders from raw partition backup.
    • Raw partition backup with FlashBackup-Windows policy
      This required Enterprise Client license. With FlashBackup, you can restore individual files/folders from raw partition backup.

    Marrianne's multi-streaming suggestion is useful if you can assign multiple streams(jobs) from storage unit for this backup.

  • Windows Server 2003 - Netbackup v7 - backing up a 3 SAN drives that are mounted at backup time. Windows sees them as local drives.

    Argh failed again - This time with three streams.  But only the monthly that I started manually. The weekly ran just fine, how very odd.

    Right now I really need to convert the retention of the successful weekly backup into a "infinite" like level 24.

    I have been using bpimagelist and I can find the three streams listed, but I need to find the backupid !


    C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist.exe -U -d 11/01/2011
     -policy grub-bak_san
    Backed Up         Expires       Files       KB  C  Sched Type   Policy
    ----------------  ---------- -------- --------  -  ------------ ------------
    11/20/2011 20:37  12/11/2011  2277118 23770738  Y  Full Backup  grub-bak_san
    11/19/2011 03:47  12/10/2011  1859491 375781334  Y  Full Backup  grub-bak_san
    11/19/2011 03:47  12/10/2011  1557299 193270679  Y  Full Backup  grub-bak_san
    of these three images so that I can feed it too:bpexpdate -recalculate -d date_time |-ret retention_level [-backupid backup_id]
    I have searched the command reference for windows, but cannot find a command that will list a backupid's? They are not in activity monitor 
  • bpimagelist.exe -idonly -d 11/01/2011 -policy grub-bak_san

    Use level 9 for infinity and keep the rest (10-24) for customized levels (e.g. 5 years, 7 years, etc...)


    C:\Documents and Settings\adm-cuttinn>bpimagelist -idonly -d 11/01/2011 -policy grub-bak_san
    Time:      20/11/2011 20:37:46   ID: grub-bak_1321821466   FULL (0)
    Time:      19/11/2011 03:47:15   ID: grub-bak_1321674435   FULL (0)
    Time:      19/11/2011 03:47:14   ID: grub-bak_1321674434   FULL (0)
    C:\Documents and Settings\adm-cuttinn>bpexpdate -recalculate -ret 9 -backupid grub-bak_1321821466
    Are you SURE you want to recalculate expiration dates on all images
    that meet the following criteria:
      backupid         grub-bak_1321821466
      retention will be changed to 9(infinity)
    C:\Documents and Settings\adm-cuttinn>bpimagelist -d 11/01/2011 -policy grub-bak
    _san -U
    Backed Up         Expires       Files       KB  C  Sched Type   Policy
    ----------------  ---------- -------- --------  -  ------------ ------------
    11/20/2011 20:37  INFINITY    2277118 23770738  Y  Full Backup  grub-bak_san
    11/19/2011 03:47  INFINITY    1859491 375781334  Y  Full Backup  grub-bak_san
    11/19/2011 03:47  INFINITY    1557299 193270679  Y  Full Backup  grub-bak_san