Forum Discussion

DoubleP's avatar
Level 5
7 years ago

DBA gets status 25 when trying to run a command

We are on veritas 8.0; our master and media servers are linux. At our company DBAs do their own restores. A DBA is getting an "EXIT STATUS 25: cannot connect on socket"

When trying to  to find a backup running the following command:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bplist -C -S -s 03/10/14 -e 01/03/15 -t 4 -l -R / 


The client and master are communicating, so it isn't that type of issue. Any ideas?

  • Run 'bpclntcmd -pn' as a start. 
    This command will use default parameters (1st Server entry and CLIENT_NAME in bp.conf)  to initiate connection request to the master server. 

    Output should look something like this:

    Example of successful response: Master server = master     Client server = client 
       The Command is run on client. 
       C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -pn 
       expecting response from server master client 1117 

       "expecting response from server master" returns the master server entry from the server list on the client. 
       " client 1117" is the connection name (peername) returned by the master server. The master server obtained this name through   "gethostbyaddr()" 
       Client is client name configured in the NetBackup class client list. 
       In this example, is the IP address of the client connection and 1117 is the port number of the connection on the client.

  • Are you able to run the same bplist command from the client machine as the root user.?
  • -C is only necessary for redirected list/restore and -S only needed if master server is not the same as 1st bp.conf entry.

    What happens when these options are omitted?
    What does bpclntcmd -pn show?
    Can you telnet from the client to master server hostname on port 1556?
    • DoubleP's avatar
      Level 5

      I'll have the DBA try without the -C and -S. Thanks

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        Run 'bpclntcmd -pn' as a start. 
        This command will use default parameters (1st Server entry and CLIENT_NAME in bp.conf)  to initiate connection request to the master server. 

        Output should look something like this:

        Example of successful response: Master server = master     Client server = client 
           The Command is run on client. 
           C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -pn 
           expecting response from server master 
  client 1117 

           "expecting response from server master" returns the master server entry from the server list on the client. 
           " client 1117" is the connection name (peername) returned by the master server. The master server obtained this name through   "gethostbyaddr()" 
           Client is client name configured in the NetBackup class client list. 
           In this example, is the IP address of the client connection and 1117 is the port number of the connection on the client.