Deactivate a Single Client in Policy
Hello Experts,
We are using windows server 2008 with master server. We have some clinet failing as these have been shut down manually in policy. These are in different diferent policies. I dont want to delete it.
So pls let me know how to deactivate a single client for time being than i will reactivate it. The option is greyed out but i believe there must be an option for this as its a basic requirement.
if the client does not exit in the client list run form the master's server cmd the command
bpclient -client <client name> -add -offline
if the client already exists in the client list run the command
bpclient -client <client name> -update -offline
to check if a client exists in the client list and its configuration run
bpclient -client <client name> -L
to bring back the client on-line run
bpclient -client <client name> -update -online