Decommisioned server constantly erroring in bpbrm log
Hi Forum,
I was investigating a VM issue and was trawling through the bpbrm.log and there are constant errors dropping in the log refering to a server that has long been decommision. I can't fathom for the life of me where this is coming from. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
<Snip Log>
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1679] in failed cache ERR=11001 NAME=DecommisionedServer001 SVC=NULL
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1402] vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update() failed 6 0x6
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_same_host_and_update: [vnet_addrinfo.c:3013] vnet_cached_getaddrinfo() failed STAT=6 RV=11001 NAME1=DecommisionedServer001
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1679] in failed cache ERR=11001 NAME=DecommisionedServer001 SVC=NULL
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1402] vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update() failed 6 0x6
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_same_host_and_update: [vnet_addrinfo.c:3013] vnet_cached_getaddrinfo() failed STAT=6 RV=11001 NAME1=DecommisionedServer001
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1679] in failed cache ERR=11001 NAME=DecommisionedServer001 SVC=NULL
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1402] vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update() failed 6 0x6
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_same_host_and_update: [vnet_addrinfo.c:3020] vnet_cached_getaddrinfo() failed STAT=6 RV=11001 NAME2=DecommisionedServer001
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1679] in failed cache ERR=11001 NAME=DecommisionedServer001 SVC=NULL
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_cached_getaddrinfo: [vnet_addrinfo.c:1402] vnet_cached_getaddrinfo_and_update() failed 6 0x6
11:40:37.885 [5872.7964] <8> vnet_same_host_and_update: [vnet_addrinfo.c:3020] vnet_cached_getaddrinfo() failed STAT=6 RV=11001 NAME2=DecommisionedServer001
I don't think its causing an issue but its irritating when trying to follow an issue in the log. Thanks in advance.
Ok found it it was in the properties of the media server in the Firewall section. Everyday is a school day.