Delaying BPSTART notify
Hi team!
Struggling to find anything online, so thought I'd put the challenge to the brain trust here.
I have a powershell script that needs to complete it's execution before the NetBackup job can officially kick off - even before the ESXi VM, which is the target client, is snapshotted.
The powershell script takes about 1min 30sec (give or take) to complete, without fail.
I've dropped it into a bpstart_notify.<policyname>.bat file, popped it into the netbackup\bin folder and bam! It DOES run...but the the backup process doesn't wait for the powershell script to finish.
Is there any way to put a delay into the batch file? I tried adding in this line but it doesn't quite do the trick.
TIMEOUT /T 200 /NOBREAK. For example, here's the current implementation:
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------
REM main script starts here
REM This is a simple script that records what kind of backup will be done along
REM with other relevent information (Client name, policy name, etc) and
REM appends the information to the results file
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------
powershell -executionpolicy remotesigned -File "D:\Source Files\Scripts\backup_test.ps1"
REM print a generic message since MB608 backup is neither full, nor cumulative incremental
Echo backup/restore MB608 started on %1 using policy %2 with schedule %3 and status %5, bpres = %6 > bin\BP_RES.txt
Echo 0 > %6
Goto :EOF
REM exit 0
Any thoughts?
That is precisely how NetBackup works. Any kind of snapshot backup will call bpfis first to take a snapshot. This ensures that the data is in consistent state before bpbkar is called. This cannot (or should not) be changed.
The snapshot method that is used can be seen in bpfis log.What exactly is it that you need to do before the snapshot?