Forum Discussion

SARA_8's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Deleting Clients from multiple Policies

I need to delete many clients from multiple policies in NetBackup. Some of these clients are defined in multiple policies.

is there a command line to delete those clients from all policies they exist in?


Best Regards, Sara

  • From a command line you would need to run a bppllist command to get a list of all policy names and once you havbe that run a bpplclients -delete command to delete them

    If you set up a script to do this it would not matter If the client was not in every policy as the command on that policy would not return a result - this command does not return a result anyway

    The easy way to do it is to go to the policies section of the admin console and select summary of all polices

    This give the four main sections - attributes, schedules, clients and selection list

    So if you choose the clients section and sort it by client name you can quickly select all of the clients you want to delete, without having to go through all of the polcies, and then just hit "delete" and they are all removed from which ever policy they were in

    Hope this helps - nothing as simple as you were hoping i am afraid

  • From a command line you would need to run a bppllist command to get a list of all policy names and once you havbe that run a bpplclients -delete command to delete them

    If you set up a script to do this it would not matter If the client was not in every policy as the command on that policy would not return a result - this command does not return a result anyway

    The easy way to do it is to go to the policies section of the admin console and select summary of all polices

    This give the four main sections - attributes, schedules, clients and selection list

    So if you choose the clients section and sort it by client name you can quickly select all of the clients you want to delete, without having to go through all of the polcies, and then just hit "delete" and they are all removed from which ever policy they were in

    Hope this helps - nothing as simple as you were hoping i am afraid

  • I agree with Sir mark, clisk on summary of all policies to easily delete unuse clients.

  • I like Mark's suggestion.

    From cmd, you would need to first identify all policies for the client to be deleted - 'bppllist -byclient <client-name> .... '  then delete using 'bpplclients <policy_name> -delete <client-name>' for each policy.