Deleting "pack" directory in AIX
Hello all,
My customer having disk space issue in /usr and they as me if they can delete one of these directory:
[AIX_server]:/usr/openv>du -sg * | sort -n
1.44 pack.
2.87 pack
Where in pack., they have:
[AIX_server]:/usr/openv>cd pack.
[AIX_server]:/usr/openv/pack.>du -sg * | sort -n
0.72 NB_CLT_7.6.0.1
0.72 NB_CLT_7.6.0.3
And in pack, they have
[AIX_server]:/usr/openv>cd pack
[AIX_server]:/usr/openv/pack>du -sg * | sort -n
0.00 pack.history
0.00 pack.summary
0.71 NB_CLT_7.6.1
0.72 NB_CLT_7.6.0.1
0.72 NB_CLT_7.6.0.3
0.72 NB_CLT_7.6.1.2
If they may delete one of the directory, what is the impact?
Thank you
Yes, you can delete all the sub-directories starting with keyword "NB_CLT" inside directory /usr/openv/pack*.It will only impact rollback process during push upgrade from master server.